Archives for posts with tag: king of the money numbers

No Gun Violence Symbol by David Castillo Dominici; freedigitalphotos.netI don’t like guns, never have.  Sorry if that offends some of you, but it’s the truth.  Yet anyone living in the past several centuries knows a gun remains only a threat—or a promise– until someone pulls the trigger.

The same is true in astrology.  This week Mars shows us what he can do when he aims his energy at some pretty big players.  You see, a cosmic anomaly is that personal planets like Mars are “designed” to trigger an event when teamed with the outer planets.

That happens big time this week, so let’s take a look.

After a weekend of the Sun and Chiron showing us where there may be a need for healing, Mars and Jupiter ramp things up Monday, March 9th.  An easy flowing energy between these two increases physical energy and urges.  Both are in Fire signs (Aries and Leo), increasing this drive even more.

This energy wants to be seen by others so easily builds drama (Leo) around things already in play.  With both planets at 13° the underlying impetus is for transformation.  Yet this is a number that brings transformation through struggle in order to make foundational change.  And the 9 date indicates endings as a likely part of that.  Since Jupiter is a transitional planet, it indicates both personal and collective impact.

Wednesday, the 11th, intensity in Aries grows as Mars goes shoulder to shoulder with Uranus at 15° and into an exact square with Pluto at 15° Capricorn.  This could be one dynamite day.  Capricorn rules governments and established order.  Aries want change and forward movement.  Pluto rules the dark side of life and things hidden.  Mars drives pure, raw, action.  And Uranus is a loose cannon, potentially creating shock and awe for the sake of liberation and freedom.

Now toss all of these into an energy that’s two parts fire, one part air, one part water and one part earth.  That could mean air fuels fire to boil water to purify earth. Or earth, air, and water combine to subdue or put out fire.  Which will it be?

Frankly, this is a warring energy, an energy that creates impatience and fuels anger.  It’s very high energy with the potential for violence that fuels fanaticism.  And I don’t see any way to sugar-coat that.  This energy strikes the collective with global dynamics.  Yet realize that on a personal level, it is a day where balance is needed along with an outlet for any intense energies you feel.

The number 15 beams love into this brew, however.  This number carries the potential to change the proverbial lead into gold.  Yet even here, the number 5 indicates pivotal change is needed to guide independent actions.

With energy of this magnitude, it does not build and release in a single day.   The build up to the 11th will likewise take several days to start to dissipate.  Just remember that the number 11 challenges us to step through a gateway into the unknown.  Draw on Mars’ vibration of courage to direct this energy for good in any way you can.

March 12th Mercury enters the sign of Pisces, which may allow calmer voices to prevail—or at least be heard.  The 12 brings the impetus for learning and original creative solutions through partnering.  In its lower expression it can bring dominance or victimhood.  Again, which will it be? Pisces draws us toward the divine and seeing that we are all one humanity with hopes and dreams more the same than different.

On the 14th, Saturn retrogrades until early August.  What does this mean for you?  Quite simply, it’s a time to go within and review all the things you’ve come to understand, or not, since the first of the year.  Things you chose to ignore or keep hidden will reappear.  Tax, loan, or debt issues left unresolved may surface.  Your long-held beliefs may fly in your face for close examination.

Most of all this time is a laser-like integrity check.  Do your thoughts match your words?  Do your words match your actions?  Are you consistently responsible and honest with yourself and others?  The number 14 invites change through structured individual action.  Decide, then act.

And all of this leads up to (drum roll, please) the FINAL exact Pluto-Uranus square on March 16-17, depending on where you are on the planet.  (Yahoo!!)

The number 16 can bring unexpected happenings that lead sooner or later to new insights.  (So Uranus-like, right?)  And 17 brings insights leading to original ideas that can stand on their own with enduring qualities.  It also reduces to 8 (1+7), the king of the money numbers, which could result in some financial shake-ups.  Remember, any 8 energy is magnified in this 8 Universal Year.

This energy will take weeks to start to weaken and years to completely disconnect, but this is the final clash for decades.

Yes, it’s an intense, high energy week ahead.  Be patient with yourself and others.  We’re all feeling this on some level.  Direct the energy in positive and productive ways as much as you can.  Stay balanced emotionally; if hit with a shock or surprise, return to calm as soon as possible.  Guard against paralyzing fear, panic, or hopelessness.  Love yourself and your neighbors far and wide, realizing we’re all in this together.

Embrace change leading toward forward movement rather than clinging to the past.  We’re simply taking one more powerful leap into this planetary adventure.

Blessings, all!

Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “No Gun Violence Symbol” by David Castillo Dominici,

World Planets Show Solar System & Worldly by Stuart Miles; freedigitalphotos.netHave you ever looked through a kaleidoscope?  Well, that’s what the cosmic patterns leading up to the Super New Moon January 20th look like.  Sharp and soft angles in light and dark tones create new, dynamic and unexpected pictures.  A flip of the dial creates a whole new scene.  Care to take a look?

On January 15th power planet Mars in dreamy and spiritual Pisces squared off with teacher/task master Saturn.  (Squares require action.)  Now Saturn in Sagittarius challenges our beliefs and encourages higher learning.  The square at brings a “Can we talk?” energy. This blends with the 15/6, activated by both the date and year.  The number 15 holds the potential for up leveling.  Think of the alchemy of turning lead into gold.  This then materializes through the power of love and nurturance (6).  (Are you still with me?  Read s-l-o-w-l-y if you’re getting lost.  Wink!)

Mercy trining the North Node at 13° Libra on this date adds another layer.  Trines denote free-flowing energy.  Here Mercury, the communication planet, in revolutionary Aquarius energizes our collective present/future (North Node).   The Nodes are impacting our sense of security through their positions in the astrological security axis of Cancer/Capricorn.  The number 13/4 calls for transformation through struggle for foundational change.

Plus Mercury was conjunct (blending energy) with Venus, the planet of love, balance, justice, and money.   Venus at 14° brought even more energy for change since 14 reduces to 5 (1+4=5), the most change-driven number in numerology.

Now consider that transformational Pluto is currently squaring the North Node and revolutionary Uranus also at 13°.  And Uranus, now only an arm’s length away (cosmically speaking) from the South Node in Mars-ruled Aries, moves into exact conjunction hours before the Super New Moon on the 20th.  New Moons signify new beginnings, and Super New Moons boost that energy even more as they pass so close to the Earth.

Also just before this Super New Moon, Mars joins Neptune at 5° Pisces. (Again note the number of change.)  Neptune, guardian of hopes and dream, rules spiritually-based Pisces, so is at full strength now.  Blending these energies is kind of like hooking a jet engine to a kite.  This kite won’t explode.  Yet blown out of its comfort zone it lacks direction, zigging wildly here and there.

With all that powerful energy joining forces over the next week, you might expect a thrust forward, right?  And that could happen.  But here’s the cosmic curve ball.  (Pardon the mixed metaphor.)  Though we are in a 1 calendar month, denoting beginnings, we are in a 9 Universal Month, denoting endings and preparations for new beginnings.  Plus the days leading up to a New Moon naturally bring low energy and a time of assimilation rather than power spurts.  The Sun, our planetary power source, is in Capricorn, an internally-focused sign.  On the 15th it was at 25°, which reduces to 7, the most solitude-seeking number.  Yet on the day of the Super New Moon, it moves into externally-focused Aquarius at , highlighting again the themes of spirituality/beliefs and new beginnings.

Now here’s the kicker.  The day after the Super New Moon, Mercury goes retrograde at 17° in change-drive Aquarius while in a cosmic hug with the Moon and Venus, two love-oriented heavenly bodies.  Pythagoras saw 17 as the number of death.  Indeed allowing some things to die may be required to allow the new to materialize.  Also realize that this number often brings long-lasting effects.  As always, retrograde periods draw us to reflect, reorganize, and renew what still works.

This all creates a push-pull, start-stop sensation.

Keep in mind that we are in an 8 Universal Year and 17 reduces to 8.  This invites strong leadership with good judgment.  And as is true all year with this “king of the money numbers,” money may enter the picture as a learning/teaching tool.

So what does this all mean for you personally?  Self-esteem issues may arise, perhaps around addictions (Neptune).  It’s time to release fears (Pluto) of the present or future (North Node) and expand your faith to live your dreams (Sagittarius/Pisces).  Connect (Mercury) with your higher truth (Neptune) and look for your personal learning curve trajectory (Saturn/Mars).  Take classes (Mercury/Sagittarius) and allow yourself to explore new insights or futuristic information (Uranus/5/7).  Watch your relationships and finances (Venus/8) for challenges and opportunities for growth.   Apply the highest form of love you can to each person and/or situation (Venus/6).  And realize you now stand on the leading edge of a new chapter in your life on some level (New Year/Super New Moon/1).

Blessings, everyone!

Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “World Planets Shows Solar System & Worldly” by Stuart Miles;

Tft Monitor And Dollar Sign Stock Photo by Greenleaf Designs; freedigitalphotos.netGuess what happened when you weren’t looking?  We changed our calendars on New Year’s Day and shifted to a new cycle in life.   Welcome to an 8 Universal Year.  What does that mean to you personally?  Let’s take a look.

As always, the intensity with which you feel any numeric vibration depends on where and how strongly it appears in your personal astrology chart and Numbers CodeIf 8 appears anywhere in your Numbers Code, this is a big year for you.  If it appears as the degree number of your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, 4th House cusp, Sun, or Moon it is as well.  For others with 8s on other House cusps or as planetary degrees, the impact is more sporadic, depending on what triggers your chart.  And there’s your mini astro-numerology lesson for the day.  (Wink!)  Now let’s get on to the good stuff.

The first visible place you see this number impact your life is around money issues.  This is the king of the money numbers and serves as a catalyst for getting your attention in an 8 Universal Year.  Throughout the year your involvement with money will show where you shine and where you don’t.  It will spotlight your greatest fears and your areas of greatest faith and trust.  It lays bare the truths of your life as few other things can.

This is a collective energy, affecting us all.  The energetic wave starts from outside yourself rather than through a personal action.  You are then at choice as to how you respond to it.  Now if you act from fear, choice goes out the window.  You simply react.  If you catch yourself doing that, realize you have the power to make a better choice at any moment.

Does this mean there will be a global event that closes all the banks?  Who knows?  Whatever the catalysts are, they send their waves too each of us.  What feels like a ripple to one can feel like a tsunami to another.  What appears as a hindrance to one spurs another forward.  Why?  Because like attracts like.  If you live in constant fear of not having enough, that draws more of those experiences to you and intensifies that very thing.  Really!  Fear of not having enough keeps you in a place of not having enough.  And in a year like this, that will show up in neon lights.

How do you change it?  By getting to the root of where that fear or belief comes from.  Sometimes those roots twist and wind through deep layers of the subconscious, so be prepared for some deep excavations.  Once these truths come up, you can choose to see them for what they are and realize they don’t have to control your life anymore.  The choice truly is up to you.  Self pity or playing the blame game only keeps you feeling stuck and powerless.  Take responsibility for your own life now.  Make little shifts that can lead to greater shifts later on.

In the astrology chart, the 8th House covers a lot of territory: sex, taboos, debt, inheritances, joint finances, taxes, mortgages, banks, death, and transformation.  See some familiar themes coming up?  In an 8 Universal Year all these themes intensify.

The wonderful thing about all this is that if you are one who already lives with a truly abundant mindset and way of being, that’s what will intensify for you.  This goes deeper than just wanting more and more.  Wanting just brings more wanting.

In fact, living abundantly has little to do with money at its deepest roots.  And this is the starting point if your bank account keeps falling into the Red Zone.  Where do you already experience abundance?  Be grateful!  What makes your heart sing?  Do it more often!   What gives you more energy rather than depleting you?  Spend more time on that!  What’s been on your bucket list that you really could do right now except for the “time” excuse?  Prioritize it!  Where can you be more generous–or stop being overly generous to the point of complete depletion?  Do it! Whatever truly expands the quality of your life is key to shifting from lack mentality to living from true abundance.  And the money?  It’ll show up in new and different ways once the energy aligns to receive it.  That’s one of the cosmic laws of nature—the nature of how it is.

These are the lessons an 8 Universal Year brings to each of us.  How you respond to the challenges and opportunities this year will help determine where you find yourself when you replace your 2015 calendar at the end of the year.

Still not sure how big a deal the number 8 is for you in 2015?  Well, you’re already in luck!  As my free gift to you this year I’ll check to see if 8 is highlighted in your Numbers Code or astrology chart.  Simply go to my website ( hit the Contact tab and jot me a note that says “8s please.”  How easy is that?  I’ll get back to you with the information I need then let you know what shows up.  Note: this isn’t a reading, more of a “heads up.”  (smile)  This offer remains open all this year, by the way.   Yet in this case, sooner definitely is better than later.

Ready to move into this new year with your eyes wide open?  That’s my greatest wish for you and each of us at this point.  And in so doing may you be truly blessed!

Rayora Hartman

(Photo credit: “Tft Monitor And Dollar Sign Stock Photo” by Greenleaf Designs;