Archives for the month of: March, 2015

Whew!  We survived last week.  Yeah!  Whether you simply survived or feel Ethernet Connected Globe by David Castillo Dominici; freedigitalphotos.netthat you thrived on those energy anomalies, things are different now.  Can you feel it?

If you’re still reeling, mentally or physically, from a cosmic hangover perhaps not yet.  Those who experienced it as a power surge know things are different, right?  Either way, I assure you the results of last week are not over, not by a long shot.

The final Uranus-Pluto square spotlighted all things currently in the process of collapse or transformation.  Times like this bring out the best and the worst in people.  All the major issues around governments; financial stability; gun rights; corruption; world religions; race, gender, and sexual orientation equality; and what we truly value remain works in progress for the rest of this decade.  (Yes, there are more, but you get the idea.)

Yet just as this final square started the work week last week, an equally powerful combination of a super rare New Moon combining energy with a Solar Eclipse March 20th created an unbelievable power surge.   Just from my vantage point, I witnessed projects powered to completion, dreams made real, health issues either sharply improve or decline, and workplace issues climax to a pivotal point.  Heck, I even had a grand-nephew decide to make his earthly entrance that day. (There’s a topic for another day; those born close to eclipses.)

This particular eclipse, harmoniously aligned with Saturn, highlighted expansion and exercising faith.  If you experienced some of that, you now know the energy behind it.  Add to that the Equinox and changing of the seasons and you see a perfect set-up for new beginnings.

And so we enter this week with a different kind of energy in play.  Venus and Mercury take the spotlight for the rest of the month in aspects with the big boys.  Remember personal planets like these trigger the outer planets when they come into contact.

As Mercury eased into an easy sextile to Pluto on March 22nd, Venus does the same with Neptune two days later.  The first encourages deep harmonious, explorative conversations around work, government, or father issues.  The second may focus on financial dreams and how your ideals can become a stable reality.  These energies blend the elements of air and earth, thought and form.

Chiron also conjuncts Mercury at 18° Pisces on the 24th, which may bring up the need to think or talk about something hurtful from the past.  Guard against allowing this energy to spiral you downward as you recall “the way it was.”   Rather keep it in the context of your current reality going forward.  Can you finally close that chapter for good or up level it to a plot-building page from which you create a better story?  Let your ideals take form.  Since 18 reduces to 9 (1+8) this could be an emotional time.  Be compassionate with yourself and others.

On the 25th The Sun tightens its position in a Grand Fire Trine linked with Saturn and asteroid Juno.  This easily flows energy between the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.  It peaks on this day intensifying relationship support.  This aspect began the 17th and ends April 2nd.  The energy adds enthusiasm and excitement to whatever relationships figure prominently in your world.  With Saturn and the Sun at and Juno at , this lends stability (4) to this fire and encourages communication (3).

Relationships remain at the forefront with Jupiter squaring Venus at 12° on the 27th.  This however can intensify a longing for relationship and feelings of victimization (12).  If you currently find yourself on a desert island, so to speak, with no relationship options in sight, shift this energy into some form of creativity or ways to make money.  It works for both.

Sunday, the 29th, Mercury again aspects Pluto.  This urges you into inspirational and creative expression, highlighting your talents.  It also carries the energy that brings awareness of conflicts or problems and the desire to resolve them.  Since the numbers 15/6 and 27/9 are in play, guard against over emotionality.

Creativity remains the theme on the 30th when Venus trines Pluto in the most active part of the signs.  As if that wasn’t enough the Sun conjuncts the South Node and Mercury enters Aries.  This combination encourages creativity spurred by intuition that demands action.  Unless, that is, you allow this energy to play to its lower expression, laziness and/or getting lost in the past.

You get a real boost for high productivity on the 31st when Mars enters Taurus.  This is a grounding, supportive energy that can calm you down and allow your best to materialize.  It’s also a good energy for money.  Of course it also could power up unresolved money fears and issues as it transits this sign.  If so, use that energy to take steps over the next few weeks to resolve them once and for all.

So we live the last weeks of March with familiar themes—communication, relationships, creativity—in a highly supportive energy.  Now doesn’t that sound good?  It almost feels like a little cosmic reward for all the intensity of recent weeks and months.

So here’s your lollipop, kids.  Enjoy!


Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “Ethernet Connected Globe” by David Castillo Dominic;

No Gun Violence Symbol by David Castillo Dominici; freedigitalphotos.netI don’t like guns, never have.  Sorry if that offends some of you, but it’s the truth.  Yet anyone living in the past several centuries knows a gun remains only a threat—or a promise– until someone pulls the trigger.

The same is true in astrology.  This week Mars shows us what he can do when he aims his energy at some pretty big players.  You see, a cosmic anomaly is that personal planets like Mars are “designed” to trigger an event when teamed with the outer planets.

That happens big time this week, so let’s take a look.

After a weekend of the Sun and Chiron showing us where there may be a need for healing, Mars and Jupiter ramp things up Monday, March 9th.  An easy flowing energy between these two increases physical energy and urges.  Both are in Fire signs (Aries and Leo), increasing this drive even more.

This energy wants to be seen by others so easily builds drama (Leo) around things already in play.  With both planets at 13° the underlying impetus is for transformation.  Yet this is a number that brings transformation through struggle in order to make foundational change.  And the 9 date indicates endings as a likely part of that.  Since Jupiter is a transitional planet, it indicates both personal and collective impact.

Wednesday, the 11th, intensity in Aries grows as Mars goes shoulder to shoulder with Uranus at 15° and into an exact square with Pluto at 15° Capricorn.  This could be one dynamite day.  Capricorn rules governments and established order.  Aries want change and forward movement.  Pluto rules the dark side of life and things hidden.  Mars drives pure, raw, action.  And Uranus is a loose cannon, potentially creating shock and awe for the sake of liberation and freedom.

Now toss all of these into an energy that’s two parts fire, one part air, one part water and one part earth.  That could mean air fuels fire to boil water to purify earth. Or earth, air, and water combine to subdue or put out fire.  Which will it be?

Frankly, this is a warring energy, an energy that creates impatience and fuels anger.  It’s very high energy with the potential for violence that fuels fanaticism.  And I don’t see any way to sugar-coat that.  This energy strikes the collective with global dynamics.  Yet realize that on a personal level, it is a day where balance is needed along with an outlet for any intense energies you feel.

The number 15 beams love into this brew, however.  This number carries the potential to change the proverbial lead into gold.  Yet even here, the number 5 indicates pivotal change is needed to guide independent actions.

With energy of this magnitude, it does not build and release in a single day.   The build up to the 11th will likewise take several days to start to dissipate.  Just remember that the number 11 challenges us to step through a gateway into the unknown.  Draw on Mars’ vibration of courage to direct this energy for good in any way you can.

March 12th Mercury enters the sign of Pisces, which may allow calmer voices to prevail—or at least be heard.  The 12 brings the impetus for learning and original creative solutions through partnering.  In its lower expression it can bring dominance or victimhood.  Again, which will it be? Pisces draws us toward the divine and seeing that we are all one humanity with hopes and dreams more the same than different.

On the 14th, Saturn retrogrades until early August.  What does this mean for you?  Quite simply, it’s a time to go within and review all the things you’ve come to understand, or not, since the first of the year.  Things you chose to ignore or keep hidden will reappear.  Tax, loan, or debt issues left unresolved may surface.  Your long-held beliefs may fly in your face for close examination.

Most of all this time is a laser-like integrity check.  Do your thoughts match your words?  Do your words match your actions?  Are you consistently responsible and honest with yourself and others?  The number 14 invites change through structured individual action.  Decide, then act.

And all of this leads up to (drum roll, please) the FINAL exact Pluto-Uranus square on March 16-17, depending on where you are on the planet.  (Yahoo!!)

The number 16 can bring unexpected happenings that lead sooner or later to new insights.  (So Uranus-like, right?)  And 17 brings insights leading to original ideas that can stand on their own with enduring qualities.  It also reduces to 8 (1+7), the king of the money numbers, which could result in some financial shake-ups.  Remember, any 8 energy is magnified in this 8 Universal Year.

This energy will take weeks to start to weaken and years to completely disconnect, but this is the final clash for decades.

Yes, it’s an intense, high energy week ahead.  Be patient with yourself and others.  We’re all feeling this on some level.  Direct the energy in positive and productive ways as much as you can.  Stay balanced emotionally; if hit with a shock or surprise, return to calm as soon as possible.  Guard against paralyzing fear, panic, or hopelessness.  Love yourself and your neighbors far and wide, realizing we’re all in this together.

Embrace change leading toward forward movement rather than clinging to the past.  We’re simply taking one more powerful leap into this planetary adventure.

Blessings, all!

Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “No Gun Violence Symbol” by David Castillo Dominici,