Archives for the month of: February, 2014
Carolina Kostner, 2014 Olympic Bronze Medalist

Carolina Kostner, 2014 Olympic Bronze Medalist

When Italian figure skater Carolina Kostner took to the ice in Sochi last week in the 2014 Winter Olympics, she faced one nemesis she likely had never met by name: the 4-8 factorThis “competitor” was not listed by name on the roster, nor did it receive any grand announcements from the microphone.  Yet it was Carolina’s silent companion the whole time.  Curious?  Well read on, my friend, read on.

This anomaly appears when 4s and 8s appear in any combination between the Life Purpose (Birth Path), Day of Birth, and Current Name.  It is a karmic indicator that says this person agreed to resolve issues—a lot of issues—from previous lifetimes along with those that formed in the early years of this lifetime.  These often involve the reappearance of people with whom those issues were left unresolved.  Those with 8s and 4s in their numbers energetically, and often unwittingly, draw others with these numbers into their lives.   They also will find 4s and 8s appear with significance in dates, addresses, phone numbers, etc.   It’s a magnetic attraction in the truest sense of the word, sometimes pleasant (at least at first), sometimes not.  Yet the underlying reason for the attraction must be satisfied.

This resolve is strongest for those born on the 8th of any month and can lend to a more fatalistic approach to life.  This is especially so for Aquarians and Capricorns.  Carolina is an Aquarian, born February 8, 1987.

Birth numbers tell the story.  Her Life Purpose number reduces to 35/8.  Her Day of Birth is 8.  And her Destiny Number is 67/13/4. Whenever 4s and 8s appear together in the key numbers of a person’s birth code, that energy will permeate his/her entire lifetime.

Numerology purists might argue that this is not a true 4-8 factor since the Destiny is not considered part of the equation.  A closer look at other factors makes me think otherwise.  You see, Carolina’s Current Name and Destiny are derived from the same name: CAROLINA KOSTNER.  She has no middle name, from what I could ascertain.   In the ancient Chaldean system I use for Current name vibrations, this equates to a 23/5, a fortunate number indeed and has assisted her along the way.  Yet since it also carries the 67/13/4, that number must not be ignored.  Another red flag appears; there are no 4s or 8s in her name numbers.  This means she must work intensely with the meaning of these numbers (both in the Manifestation Triad) this lifetime.  That’s the deal, the agreement before birth.

So how has this shown up in her life?  Let’s look at her 12-years of skating competitions for clues.  (Thanks to Wikipedia.  They do such a great job on things like this, don’t they?)  This athlete started skating at the age of (drum roll, please…) 4.   Her first competitions were the 2004 European Championships and 2004 World Championships.  You see what I see, right?  She won her first European medal in 2006 (2+0+0+6=8) and was the flag bearer for her first Olympics that year where she placed 12th. (Remember, 12 is the victim number if not in its highest expression.)

Her life continued this pattern of victory and loss as injury beset her that same year, keeping her out of the Grand Prix season.  She recovered and continued in competition the next year, making a strong showing in the short program of the 2007 Worlds but faltering in the long program to end in 6th place.  (Six is the stabilizing number for 8, by the way.)  In 2008 she made several strong performances throughout the year leading her to a silver medal at the 2008 Worlds Championships.  Yet as the year progressed into the 2008-2009 season, her amateur skating career hit the skids again.  She made a poor showing at her first Grand Prix, lost her European title, dropped to a 12th place finish at the World Championships, and caused Italy only to claim one ladies spot in the upcoming 2010 Olympics.

After 8 years training with her coach, Michael Huth, she changed coaches, leaving Italy to train in California.  About a year later homesickness drove her back home to Italy and her former coach.  (Unfinished business?)

In December 2009, she nearly lost her chance at the Vancouver Games, then swung back to win a gold medal at the 2010 European Championships.  Yet her jumps just weren’t solid anymore and her downward spiral continued.  She slipped to 16th place in 2010 Winter Olympics. (Sixteen can bring accidents or unexpected happenings to bring deeper insights.)

Was it time to give up skating, she wondered.  Her faith in herself and her skating ability hit an all-time low.  Following her mother’s advice, she got back to her true love of skating and altered her program with an emphasis on artistry rather than jumps.

The 2014 Winter Olympics drew Carolina to her third Olympic competition.  As the world watched, she skated perfection to “Ava Maria” for her short program, positioning her temporarily in 2nd place.  She was later edged out by Russian skater Adelina Sotnikova and dropped to 3rd.  Yet this position held for her through the long program the next day.  She claimed the bronze medal in Ladies Free Skate, her first Olympic win and a first win ever for Italy in this competition.

Oh, here’s a little aside.  The numbers of her perfectly executed short program score (142.61) totaled 14/5, the media number reinforced by the 2014 calendar year and the positive vibration of her Current Name (23/5).  And Carolina is now in a 17/8 Personal Year, the number of leaving a legacy behind.  How cool is that?

As one commentator noted, hers is a story of perseverance.  Indeed it is—and a remarkable example of how the 4-8 factor plays out in real life.

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Connecting Hearts, digitalart; freedigitalphotos.netI’m amazed when I see numeric codes that shout messages to us.  This February 14th does just that with a triple activation of the number 14/5.  Now before you leap to any conclusions, let’s explore what’s been leading up to that date as well as what follows.  Take your seat on my magic carpet and let’s zip around the calendar and the cosmos for a bit, okay?

Backing up to early February Mercury eased up on Neptune close enough to comfortably shake hands.  Not quite close enough for a bear hug, mind you.  Just a hand shake—and a meeting of the minds (otherwise known as cosmic energy).  We often sense Neptune energy through our hopes and dreams.  It’s the planet of far-reaching ideas and wild dreams that wake us up at night.  To bring deeply spiritual ideas to the forefront is its highest ambition.  Yet when our energy does not create a match for that, its expression appears in other forms…like confusion.  Mix that with Mercury-style energy and some pretty wild things can show up.  That energy stayed in place for several days.  Mercury retrograded on February 6th at 3° Pisces, one degree away from Neptune. (By the way, did you hear Mercury chuckling as it retrograded at 3, the number of humor?)   This kept the confusion factor in play around this planetary transition.

Here’s how that looked for me.

As I scrambled to complete trip reservations prior to the retrograde, someone I needed to contact was out skiing.  (The nerve, right?) Then another person was included in the trip at the last minute but asked for 24-hrs. to “think about it.”  This rolled the process into the retrograde period, so what would have taken one or two phone calls took three or four times that plus numerous emails to correct misunderstandings, dragging over the next three days.  (Did I mention that Mercury retrograde slows.things.down?)  This energy slopped over into other areas of my life as well, like realizing I forgot to put the cinnamon in apples cooking on the stove, then nearly sprinkling in chili powder instead.  (Yowza!  That was close.)

With Mercury nearly out of Neptune’s orb for a while, I’m feeling much better now, thank you.  How about you?

And here comes Valentine’s Day (in the States), our favorite Love Holiday.  Actually, some love it, some hate it, and others couldn’t care less.  Be that as it may, it’s here again and bound to stir more than a little emotion in many people.  Yet this year I see something new added to the emotional mix.  Communication—big time.  Look at the date: February 14, 2014.  See the double 14?  Okay, now if you add all the digits together (2+1+4+2+0+1+4) it equals 14 as well.  Since in numerology we reduce everything to single digits, that reads as 14/5.  And any time a number repeats, it intensifies.

If you’ve been with me very long, you know this is the ancient number of the scribe which translates in today’s language as “the media number.”  It enhances all forms of communication, personal and non-personal.  It also can denote a person with many gifts and the inability to pick just one.  That energy may come into play when deciding on the perfect gift for your loved one, be it man/woman or your faithful dog (cat…horse…).

Yet the communication factor brings the greatest challenges right now with Mercury in retrograde.  And on February 12th Mercury slipped back into Aquarius where it impacts a more scientific rather than a spiritual energy.  That said, remember Mercury rules all forms of communication, plus electronics, mechanics, and travel.   So if that new I-pad you get from your honey on Valentine’s Day won’t work for some reason, take a deep breath.  The problem may clear up on its own after your actions/ reactions bring the “a-ha” moments intended.   Realize that an incident like this opens the door to handling communication in a better way than you may have in the past.  That’s a biggie!  Check and see if this is true, then acknowledge it if you (or your significant other) can note an improvement.  (Yeah, you!)  The number 5 can bring rocky moments, pivotal points that invite change.  Honor them when they arise.

As if all this isn’t enough, the Moon goes full on that date as well, this time in Leo.  Full Moon energy is known for its intensity.  (Sleep? What’s that?) This time it blends with the “me first” energy of this sign ruled by the Sun.  That creates an intense interplay between the feminine emotional energy of the Moon and the masculine power energy of the Sun.  This could give rise to a lot of emotion around issues involving self-worth, feeling overlooked, or demanding your own way.  See what comes up and face it squarely.  Don’t excuse yourself for poor behavior.  Take the opportunity to grow through it.

This strong Moon energy moves into Virgo the next day which shifts the energy to feeling more practical and helpful.  That assists with any ripples than may have drifted forward from the day before.

So Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody!  May your love for self and others be true, your communication clear, and your gifts expressed in unique and life-enhancing ways.  Live, laugh, love!

And if you love this post—or any other, for that matter—hit the dialogue icon next to the date to express yourself, or reach me here.  Ahhh…communication in this digital age.   Gotta love it!

(Photo credit: “Connecting Hearts,” digitalart;

Love Is Everywhere, holohololand;

We entered February with Venus no longer in retrograde, which is perfect for a month so focused on love as this.  Now our love interests again shift outward more than inward.  That’s not to say the time for contemplation has ended.  It hasn’t.  Yet now those dwelling thoughts and feeling tend to include others more. 

This blend is natural this month.  The contemplative and solitary energy of the 7 Universal Year now blends with that of a 9 Universal Month.  Seven in numerology marks the strongest of the mental numbers noted in the Mental Triad (1-5-7).  Nine is considered the king of numbers because it includes the energies of all the other numbers before it.  It tops the Emotional Triad (3-6-9) with deep compassion and humanitarian instincts.   Thus blending the energy of the 7 and 9 this month empowers ideas into actions that demonstrate the feelings behind them.  Nine also brings endings and culminations so blends well with what we’ll look at next.

On February 6th, Mercury retrogrades again and remains so the rest of the month. (Come on.  Stop moaning; you know that only makes it feel worse.) As you likely know, this energy can not only confuse all forms of electronics and communication but draws us to redress anything unfinished.  That often results in bringing things to completion or at last ending what may have needed to end long ago.  This is the 9 energy at play. 

Often without us realizing it the 7 energy under-girds us at times like this.  It brings ideas and solutions for these times of closure while fielding new dreams and ambitions for our future.  When we allow this process to play out, we are truly living in the highest vibration of these numbers in a win-win scenario.  Plus they’re given a boost since Mercury, the ruler of the mind, joins Neptune, ruler of our hopes and dreams in Neptune’s home sign (Pisces).   

So how does this fit into February, the month of LOVE?

February begins in Aquarius, the most humanitarian of all astrology signs.  On the 18th it changes to Pisces, a highly spiritual sign.  Perfect!  Remember 7 is the most spiritual of all the numbers.  Can you see where this is going?  Well, neither can I—and that’s the beauty of it. (Oh, come back here; I’m not finished yet.) We don’t have to.  Simply trust.  Have faith.  Trust your higher power and your own inner knowing.

I realize this may be a stretch for some of you.  Trusting your own mind is one thing; trusting anything else is something else, right?  And therein lays the conundrum many may face during this Mercury retrograde period. Will you now embrace your highest potential for your given situation based on that sense of guidance or being drawn?  Will you now allow your heart to lead and you mind to shift to the important support role for which it was designed?  Will you?  Choice, we’re forever at choice, aren’t we?  And this is a great time to plan.

More excitement awaits as this month moves into flow.  Just wait till Valentine’s Day.  Wow, baby!  But more on that later.

Be blessed as you bless others.  Love to the enth degree.  And most of all enjoy the journey.

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(Photo credit: “Love Is Everywhere,” holohololand;