Archives for the month of: January, 2013

Destiny. Do you have one? Does anyone? And what does that mean, anyway? “My destiny.” Sounds kind of fixed, doesn’t it, locking us into an unchangeable plan “someone” drafted for our lives. But is it?

We humans are a strange lot sometimes. We crave security yet subsist on a fear-based diet. We drown in knowledge yet lack wisdom. And most of all, we yearn for love, yet live behind emotional and physical walls. Is this our destiny? Or is there a secret code somewhere to click us out of this default setting erroneously called “Normal Life”?

I’ve considered these things a lot from a multitude of angles across the years. If you have, too, here’s an angle that you may have overlooked. To begin, let’s tweak the word “destiny” a bit. Did you know that a numeric code based on your birth name is called—get this—your Destiny Number? Yet rather than dictate how your life will end up, it totally supports you in being the wonderful person you came here to be.

Huh-oh, I see question marks erupting like fizz from an uncorked champagne bottle, so let me explain.

We all are born with gifts. (Yes, you, too.) These attributes, large and small, manifest throughout our lifetime in various forms. Your Destiny Number tells you how you will express those gifts when they surface. For instance, suppose you start reaching for the piano keys when you were age 2, love singing in elementary school, and play the flute in the high school band. Your musical gifts are showing up, and how you express them is starting to take form. Yet where this may lead depends partly on your Destiny Number. If yours is a 7, you will prefer to stay behind the scenes, perhaps composing music for others. If it is a 3, you will be the one on stage performing. And if it’s a 1, you may well be the conductor wielding that powerful little baton.

Let’s take a look at how this works, comparing two famous wordsmiths with drastically different deliveries.

Nearly anyone living in the U.S. in the last half of the last century knew Walter Cronkite (1916-2009). He shared the dinner hour with countless Americans for decades as the anchor for CBS Evening News. If you are too young to remember that, you’ve likely glimpsed him in clips as the one announcing to the world that U.S. President John F. Kennedy had been shot and later notifying the public of the president’s death.

Walter, like many of that era, changed his name to meet contractual demands at one point. To get his Destiny Number, however, we must use his birth name of William Leonard Cronkite. This calculates to 108/9. Here the leadership number 1 is supported by 8, which symbolized the honorable leader learning courage under pressure. The two numbers are connected by a zero, which indicates divine protection. As these three numbers blend to form the 9, it gives birth to the vibration of the compassionate teacher and builder of group consciousness. The attributes of the Destiny Number speak largely to one’s career and/or way of expressing in the world. His astrology chart supports this with the cusp (edge) of the House of Destiny, Career, and Reputation at 6 ̊ 9 ‘. Six and 9, emotional numbers of caring, compassion and humanitarianism, help us see why many called this man “Uncle Walter.” With his day of birth a 4 and Neptune at 4 ̊ (4, the number of structure and manifestation) also in the 10th House, Cronkite exuded stable, gentle energy whether in person or over the airways. He gained a reputation as being the most trusted man in journalism. A destiny that first showed as a high school newspaper editor flowered into a storied career from World War II through the beginning of the 21st century. And get this. His “current” name, Walter Cronkite, calculates to 14/5, the media number!

Now take a look at one of the most famous writers of our age, Stephen King. This master of horror has forged a career from the depths of his imagination that truly sets him apart. In astro-numerology, one thing we look for are numbers that repeat. With King, his Destiny number does just that. Based on his birth name of Stephen Edwin King, this number comes out to 84/12/3. Both 8 and 4 are manifestation numbers, with the 4 bringing structure to money number 8. Twelve is called the “victim number” and those with it must guard against either being victimized or becoming a victimizer. Three is the number of communication and creativity. Can you see King yet? Well, consider this. His father abandoned his family when Stephen was 2. Then young Stephen apparently witnessed his friend killed by a train, a childhood memory so traumatic it recessed deeply into King’s subconscious. He has no surface memory of it. In the 1980s, he battled alcohol and drug addiction. In 1999 he was struck by a minivan while walking along a highway. Victimization.

Now flip the page and consider the plot lines of many of his famous works. See this theme running strongly; victim/victimizer? Next look at this. King’s 10th House cusp sits at 12̊ . Remember, this is the house of Destiny, Career, and Reputation. And across the chart the 4th House of Home, Family, and Roots shares that degree. The number repeats again in the 3rd House of Communication and Language and the 9th House of Education, Journeys, and Beliefs. And here’s the corker. His Sun shines brightly in Virgo at 27 ̊ 23 ‘. Calculated together these equals 14/5, the media number. And Virgo, of course, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.

Let’s add one more thing, which really puts a smile on my face. When it was discovered that one of King’s horror novels was found in the homes of four perpetrators of mass shootings, he immediately removed that book from the market. Why does this matter—aside from the obvious? In addition to the Sun at 27/9 ̊ , the cusps of King’s 6th House of Work, Responsibility, and Service and 12th House of Soul Growth, Death, and the Ego are at 27/9 ̊ . And 9 is the ultimate humanitarian number. When the light went on that his own works may have contributed in some way to these real-life horrors, King stepped up and took action for the sake of humanity as a whole. This action also elevates the 12 to its higher vibration, bringing it into love, sympathy, and service to help the world be a better place. YES!! I’m a sucker for a happy ending.

So there you have it, my friends, an example of how numbers matter greatly in guiding us on our life-long journeys here—our destinies. These two communicators, drastically different, exemplify this. Our destiny is not fixed, it’s supported. Each man was/is free to follow a chosen path. The vibrational forces inherent in Cronkite’s and King’s astro-numerology charts supported each step to create lessons and outcomes structured by their overall blueprints. The same is true for us. I ask you, how does it get any better than that?

When I was 4 years old, I embodied a love/hate relationship with water. I loved to run through the sprinkler on a sizzling summer day but hated to take a bath or brush my teeth. I loved watching Whiskers, our cat, lap water from her dish but hated when Mom told me to get a drink of water instead of Kool-Aid. I loved dipping a paint brush in a glass of water before creating beautiful watercolors on typing paper canvases…and hated it when I invariably knocked over the water glass creating a seascape that grew deeper with my tears. You get the idea.

Now transfer that dichotomy to our local swimming pool: the mighty, free-flowing Columbia River, at that time a half-mile wide and for all I knew 10 miles deep. I played gleefully in the rocks and sand, kicking and splashing with total abandon. I even marveled at the young studs who showed their valor by doing the only thing close to daring in our parts: facing that current and swimming the river’s entire breadth. This water was definitely on the “love” side of the scale—until my older sister insisted I learn to swim.

Her passion for getting me to swim was matched only by her frustration that I refused. Repeatedly. Sisters can be sneaky, you know. She knew my love of the water ended at my knees. She also knew I loved playing with the car inner tube Dad had blown up for our beach toy. So one delightful afternoon she offered to take me for a water ride on the inner tube, something I loved almost as much as snow sledding in our annual single inch of snow. But I digress. We whirled and we swished amid squeals and giggles—which stopped short when I realized she had pushed me out into water well above my knees.

“Don’t dump me!” I commanded.

“I won’t,” she assured.

No more had the words cleared her lips than she flipped that tube with a skill of an Olympic athlete pushing for the Gold. I would have screamed, but instinct told me a gulp of air would serve me better at a time like this. My feet searched for the sandy riverbed. Nothing. So I surfaced and did what any self-respecting little river urchin would do. I swam!

Life seems impossible sometimes, doesn’t it? Impossible to discern. Impossible to master. At times, impossible to face. And you want to know the funny-strange thing in all of that? It’s NOT. Nope, it’s not any of those things. The only impossible thing about it is our unwillingness to see the tools and skills we’ve been given to cope, survive, and even thrive amidst it all. Really! Some we learn and some we are born with. Yet they are there, waiting to be recognized and called into play. Like my award winning dog paddle at the age of 4.

Awakening to our own blueprint is a priceless gift we give ourselves, for in that we see the plan. We know at last that we are not here by accident but by design. And that design is fully supported from multiple angles. It’s a perfect design for what each soul intends to experience. Lots of surprises, but no accidents here. Even if you were told from day one that you were an accident, I assure you, my friend, there was nothing accidental about it. We arrive with a lifetime of purpose and design encoded in the strangest places. But for now, let’s stick with the day of your birth.

Each of us is born on a specific day at a particular time in a month and year that to most appears totally accidental. Our parents take credit for the whole thing, whether it was a planned or not. All we did was show up.

Oh, really?

Suppose for a moment that you were one of those babies who made a grand entrance on January 1, 2013. What might you have to look forward to? Well, for starters you will be a leader or teacher in some way, privately or publicly, throughout your lifetime. That’s a 1 day of birth insignia. This is further strengthened by January being the first month of the year. Whenever numbers repeat in relationship to each other, it intensifies the impetus or vibration. So you will not be waiting on the sofa for the rest of the family to get out to the car for that trip to Wonkyland; you’ll be in the car, behind the wheel, looking for the horn. And being born in a 6 Universal Year (2+0+1+3) supported by relationship number 2, family will remain important throughout your life. As you grow older, your Life Purpose (sometimes called Life Path) will start to gain strength and clarity with the powerful number 8 derived from adding all the digits of your birth date (1+1+2+0+1+3). Eight is the master money number, so you will likely already have shown leanings toward finding ways to make money or glean a larger allowance from your parents. Yet it also is a major player for manifestation so whether it making the Dean’s List or creating a new platform for fundraising, you’re on top of it. No doubt the energy of the 3’s creativity and humor would come into play here. The 8 also symbolizes infinity, so this number can result in life patterns repeating…and repeating…until you become aware of them and make the necessary changes to shift them into more positive and productive ways of being. Once that is done, the 8 supports those in becoming long lasting as well. Add to this a birth time of 2: 24 a.m. Again you see an 8 (2+2+4), which will automatically be activated by your 8 Life Purpose number. Your powerful 8 just doubled in strength, just as your number one did through your month and day of birth. So forgive your parents if all they see right now is a little bundle of joy who sleeps, cries, wets, and wakes them for 3:00 a.m. feedings. They in for a surprise! And how that surprise shows up is in your hands and in your numbers.

Now suppose that you are a New Year’s Day baby, only this time born in 1950. You will again exhibit the traits charged by the vibration of the multiple 1. And 1950, another 6 Universal Year, repeats the family and responsibility emphasis as well. Your Life Purpose again adds up to an 8, so what’s different? Or are those born on January 1, 2013, “clones” of those born January 1, 1950? Not hardly, even if the time of birth aligns. You see, January 1, 1950, adds up differently: 1+1+1+9+5+0 = 17/8. Those with this number are known for leaving a legacy behind. They not only hold the creativity and originality of the 1 but the analytical strength of the 7, coupling to create one of the most powerfully intelligent thinkers on the planet. Since the 8 also can present money challenges to overcome, the rise above may be realized through the 5, the number of change, courage, and risk taking. The experience may stir compassion in you for others, supported by the number 9, itself a key number of compassion. Add to all of this the protection of the Divine, as signified by the 0, and a potential life of hardship transforms and sets the stage for a legacy of compassion toward your fellow humans.

Should the you, born in 1950, someday meet the you born in 2013–how’s that for a sci-fi twist?–you would sense a definite connection, an uncommon understanding of one another, yet your lives would appear much different from the outside. You were born in different social times, into different families, and with a different astrological configurations and alignments. Not to mention free will and a small host of other numbers in your total blueprints. Yet the resonance of holding some of the same important blueprint numbers would create a bond.

An important point to remember is that even though we arrive well equipped for this human experience, it truly is our individual choice whether or not we follow the path our soul intended. We can be guided, taught, reminded, and cajoled a thousand ways to awaken to it, but the choice to align with that path remains ours.

So the next time you sense your inner guidance urging you to step into the seemingly impossible, think twice. You can argue with yourself, “You want me to do WHAT?” Or you can take the first step in replacing that sense of impossibility by uncovering your blueprint and knowing that you can. As the saying goes, the life you save may be your own.

Cycles. Nature loves them and people love to ignore them. Have you noticed? The thing is, cycles don’t care if anyone is watching or not. They go right on cycling. Obvious or subtle, they keep doing whatever they are destined to do. Not once has a cycle waved wildly to get my attention before beginning. (PMS aside.) So if these things are so tenacious, why are we so blind to them?

We just completed one of the most obvious cycles. Saying hello to 2013 moves us all from a 5 to a 6 Universal Year. Bet you can’t wait to hear what that means, right? Well, read on, my friend, read on.

A Universal Year is a cycle of time that follows our normal calendar years and affects us all. Whether we see it or not. To calculate the Universal Year simply add all the digits of any given year and reduce to a single digit (2+0+1+3=6). Why would any sane person want to do that? Because every number carries a certain vibrational resonance that affects us all in common and uncommon ways.

The number 5 is a number of change, freedom, and adventure, so 5 years are full of experiences that invite us to explore these facets. It can be quite wild as well. Sound like your life and the way of the world in 2012? Universal Years run in 9-year cycles. That makes 5 years pivotal; we can turn this way or that—and sometimes rock back and forth for awhile in the process. They are full of surprises and unexpected happenings. A 6 year feels much different. These years carry a high vibration of love and caring, of nurturing and care giving. It’s an emotional energy that also can lend to gossip or, preferably, meaningful discussions. As 2013 unfolds, be mindful of this and watch yourself and others more drawn to these energy patterns.

How this manifests for each of us is partially determined by our own Personal Year. Oops! There’s another one of those overlooked cycles doing its own thing without you. How rude! Anyway, now that we see it, let’s examine it a bit further and maybe join in the game. Personal Years run in 9-year cycles as well, beginning with the birth year. This can result in your Personal Year being in or out of resonance with the Universal Year. If it is an exact match, say both 6’s, the energy for that year will be magnified for you.

Let’s look at this as it may play out in “real life.” Say you are in a 2 Personal Year during 2013. Number 2 is a number of peace and relationships. Thinking of getting married? Or maybe you feel drawn to adopting a pet or volunteering at a shelter. Can you see how the 2 and 6 energies could complement each other? Smooth, baby, smooth!

Now what if you are in a 4 Personal Year with 4’s energy of structure and manifestation? That depends. Say you are starting a business this year and your focus, with your 4 year, gravitates toward the nuts and bolts of laying its foundation with little time or concern given to your own wellbeing or that of those who share your life. Terms like “burnout” or “spinning your wheels” came to mind. The foundation may get laid, but at what cost? True, this could happen anytime, but in a 6 Universal Year you feel it more acutely. Using, rather than ignoring or fighting, the 6 energy could prove crucial to the success of your start-up. I know, I know…they didn’t teach you this is Business 101.

Now let’s look at how this plays out with those around us. Say you are in a 7 Personal Year in 2013. Your partner (husband/wife, significant other, best friend) is in a 3 Personal Year. Since 7 supports solitude, introspection, deep contemplation, socializing is not at the top of the priority list. Yet your partner’s 3 energy invites more socialization, not less. He/she finds a fantastic deal on a Caribbean Cruise and knowing you have always wanted to explore the islands decides this is the time. But for some reason, you’re just not feeling it. Not now. Yet the 6 Universal Year energy brings up the desire to nurture your relationship, so you agree. Maybe you’re just stuck in a rut and need a change, you reason. Once onboard your floating city of 4,000 people, however, all you can think about is finding a quiet place where you can lean on the railing and gaze at the scenery—alone. (Good luck with that, by the way.) Your partner, on the other hand, is ready to strike up a conversation with everyone on deck and can’t wait to hit the dance floor in the evening.

Recognizing what your own Personal Year means and how that relates to those around you gives a real advantage in creating a life with more ease and flow. Realize as well that while your Personal Year energy will trump that of the Universal Year, there is no avoiding the blend these energies will create in your life and the lives of others. Know also that this is only one facet of your total energy picture created by number plays in your astro-numerology blueprint. No number stands alone. Each creates an interplay with other numbers, with some stronger at times than others. Awareness is the first step that can set you on a path of feeling supported rather than smacked down at every turn.

Cycles repeat. We can argue with them, deny them, and defy them. They don’t give a fig. Here the common expression, “What goes around, comes around,” takes on new meaning. You can choose to stay in objection and wait for the smack down, then wonder where that blow came from. Or you can choose to become an active and aware participant in the game, turning what feels at times like an adversary into a supportive partner. The choice, as always, is yours.