Archives for the month of: February, 2015

Jupiter has my attention—big time!   He’s a major player in my own chart rightGreen World by digitalart; now.  Yours too?  Then get ready for your football or beach ball to morph into a hot air balloon.  Yup, that’s Jupiter this year.  Up, up, and away—for better or…well, you know.

To start our journey, let’s take a look across the next week.  Saturday, February 28th, expansive Jupiter connects with transformational Pluto in an uncomfortable aspect (quincunx) that requires an adjustment while moving into an easy partnership (trine) with shocking Uranus.  This applies first to the collective, a.k.a. global humanity, since Pluto and Uranus are collective planets.

With all planets at 14° I anticipate a media event and/or something that scatters our attention.  With Capricorn and Leo involved, this could be another winter weather or earth moving event (summer event in the southern hemisphere).  Capricorn is cold and Leo hot.  Or it may trigger something that requires an adjustment in how we as nations use or abuse power and influence (Sun/Leo) when working with others (Capricorn).  This connection has been building for awhile and will take several weeks to dissipate.

Since 14 reduces to 5 (1+4), this holds the potential to trigger a pivotal point, perhaps toward expanding freedom in some way.  Or in the worst case scenario, expanding the restrictions of freedom already in place.

The date number 28 can trigger trust issues and serve as the impetus for leadership.  Since it reduces to 10/1 there’s also the possibility of something happening quite quickly.

On Monday, March 1st the storm clouds thicken.  Mercury’s transit in Aquarius moves onto an exact opposition with Jupiter and a sextile with Uranus.  That’s astro-speak for a lot of big talk and potential rebellion with surprise endings.  Mind you, that ups the number of planets at 14° to four, setting the energetic stage for even more potential changes and striving for freedom (5).  The more often a number repeats, the more intense the energy.

March 3rd Jupiter moves into exact down-to-the-minute trine with Uranus, adding an expansive—and perhaps lucky—surge to the energies and events of the day.  Remember, Jupiter’s energy expands everything it touches, increasing the magnitude of seemingly bad and good alike.

The next day, on the 4th, Jupiter trines Venus as this planet of love and money cozies up to Uranus for a day or two.  Though Pluto and Mercury have moved on just a bit, their energy is still in play.  Now Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus hold the 14° vibration continuum.  In this scenario, Venus serves mainly as a trigger for the other planets; her own power of love, justice, and balance in diminished in Aries.  This can create power struggles and heart-opening events.  This is due in part to Mercury sextiling Venus-Uranus as Pluto squares them.  In plain English, this requires quick action in a super tense energetic combination.

(I can almost see Venus as a bound maiden, squirming for freedom as she shares this dynamic.  Poor Venus *sniff*…will her knight arrive before she gets blown to smithereens?)

On Thursday, March 5th, the next Full Moon arrives at 14°31ʼ Virgo, gazing across the cosmos as the Sun now at 14° Pisces.  Note the correlation of the 14/5 with the 5 date.  Full Moons boost emotional energy tremendously, yet in Virgo there is a grounding effect that may ease that somewhat.  With Jupiter still at 14°, semi-sextile this Moon (another call for quick action) while enjoying the ongoing trine with Uranus, that keeps four planetary bodies at this degree (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus).

Plus Pluto now sextiles the Sun with one mere degree difference and Mars moves in for a high-five with the South Node at 10°Aries.  Both Pluto and the South Node deal with the past, karma, and deeply buried issues.  And Mars is seeing red while in full power in his home sign of Aries.  He’s ready to fight or forge ahead creating new possibilities, depending on the events and attitudes at this point.  Whichever it is, there’s high potential for powerful action.  Remember, things peak at the time of the Full Moon.

On a personal note, realize that this Full Moon brings good, practical energy, empowering effectiveness, and in that regard can be good for relationships.  This holds the potential for improvement of both personal and governmental relationships—if all parties cooperate and don’t take everything personally.  (Sigh…)  Wouldn’t that be “Wunerful…wunerful!” as the late band leader Lawrence Welk used to say?

Realize that while outer planets Pluto and Uranus trigger global events, their energy also can trigger your own personal charts if interacting with your natal planetary positions.  And Jupiter can trigger anything anywhere.

What to do?

  1. Check your chart for where these transits may affect you.
  2. Realize that if you have 14 or 5 in your personal numbers code, you will feel these more personally, whether through observation or experience.
  3. Look for your opportunities for growth and action. What’s calling you to change and/or act?
  4. Relationships remain vulnerable. Don’t take everything personally.
  5. Laugh as much as you can; it’s good for body, mind, and spirit.

Till next time…blessings!

Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “Green World” by digitalart;

Peaceful Winter SceneIsn’t it time for a little good news?  Well, I found some.  Really!  Let’s take a look.

Overall, the cosmic energies for February have been mild compared to recent years.   Weather and wars notwithstanding.  It’s like the universe gives us a break now and then to rest, assimilate, and prepare to power up for the next thrust forward. (Not to be confused with waiting for the next shoe to drop, mind you.) And that’s a good thing.

Venus and Mars continued to play as a couple through the signs over the past several weeks.  And right now they are closing in for one last energy swirl in the latter degrees of Pisces.  On Thursday, March 19th, Mars skips into his home sign of Aries with Venus gliding in the next day.  By Sunday they’re stumbling all over each other again for a day or so.  Cosmically speaking, of course.  Then Venus takes the lead again, since she moves about twice as fast as Mars.

While in Pisces, Mars’ planetary energies were somewhat subdued.  Not so in Aries.  He charges into the first degrees yelling, “I’m home! What’s for dinner?  Haven’t had a home-cooked power meal in two years.  Been living with relationship, financial, business, and spiritual issues for what seems like f.o.r.e.v.e.r.  That’s downright draining, you know.  Time to refuel and power up again.  Gosh, it’s good to be home!

Okay, I’m joking.  Yet the truth is Mars rules Aries in astrology and is in his greatest power here.  That automatically powers up a lot of high energy that will stay on high beam through March 31st.  Aires is an initiating power sign; Mars adds the energy for leadership, assertiveness, sex, and the warrior.  Whenever Mars and Venus blend energies, it heightens creativity as well as energizing relationship and financial developments.

Saturn, the planet of karma and responsibility, sextiles communication planet Mercury on the 19th as well with both at 4°. This could spur some productive or even brilliant thoughts or conversations.  At this degree number see these as laying the foundation for what’s next.

About this time, Venus and Mars start to edge into a trine with Saturn that becomes exact with Venus on the 24th.  This could add stability to this Venus-Mars energy over the next week.  However, realize that Saturn’s energy tends to want us to stay connected with the past.  If this happens, let Mars spur you forward with confidence.  Venus offers a stabilizing effect on her own, without the ball and chain.  (Wink!)

Saturn squares the Sun on the 23rd with both at 5°, the number of pivotal change.  The date likewise reduces to 5 (2 + 3), adding emphasis to this fact.  While this day could present some hurdles, use Saturn’s highest expression to overcome them.  Act mature, be responsible and disciplined, and manage your time well.  By so doing, you will shine brilliantly.

The energy of change continues when the Saturn-Venus trine becomes exact on the 24th at 5°.  This adds energy to new beginnings and bold action, especially if it was preceded by planning.  And when Saturn trines Mars the next day, a steadying effect pervades it all.

Also on the 25th, the Sun conjuncts (joins) Neptune bringing creative inspiration and spiritual union.  Guard against aimlessness, excessive escapism, or substance abuse—expressions of Neptune’s lower energy which could likewise be fired by the Sun.

On the 28th, Jupiter and Pluto, both at 14°, move into an aspect that demands an adjustment.  This energy can plunge you into the depths of truth and/or supercharge creativity.  Plus Uranus moves to 14°Aries, creating a trine with Jupiter in Leo as Uranus starts to tighten into that last Pluto-Uranus square on March 17th.  This energy easily spills onto the global scene since it involves powerful outer planets and transitional Jupiter’s expanding influence.  The number 14 again reduces to 5, so expect to see some interesting dynamics splashed across the media around then.

Realize, also, that all of this activity is prefaced by a powerful New Moon February 18th at 29°59ʼ Aquarius, a mere cosmic minute before the Sun enters Pisces.  This brings the combined energies of Uranus’ home sign (Aquarius) blended with Neptune in its home sign (Pisces) into play in a very strong way.  This energy activation remains in effect for weeks.   Aquarius is quirky energy that tends to insight revolution.  In Pisces, things often get lost in illusions and delusions before finding higher grounding.  So realize that not everything in the weeks ahead may be as it appears on the surface.  Guard against joining a revolution—personal, familial, or global–on false pretenses.   The number 18 can bring deceit.  Yet it reduces to 9, the number of highest compassion.  Let that be your cloak of honor in the days and weeks ahead.

As always, the degree to which you feel these energies depends on how they interact with your personal chart and numbers.  If you need help to determine that, you know where to find me.

Blessings, all!

Rayora Hartman



The zodiac comprises every energetic impulse and character trait known to Coffee Stock Photo by Surachai; freedigitalphotos.nethumankind.  At no time is that more evident than when Pisces energy dominates as it does now.  At this point Venus, Mars, and Chiron have joined Neptune, the sign’s modern ruler, in Pisces.  And the Sun is not far behind.  What does this mean?  Let’s take a look.

Have you ever noticed that people’s homes feel different from one another?  One may feel homey, another cool and light, still another dark and depressing.  Why so?  Because the feel, the energy, of the home reflects the energy of those who live there.  (And you thought it was just that wild turquoise sofa in the corner of the livingroom, right?)

The same is true of Houses in the zodiac.

Pisces energy colors the expression of the 12th House in the zodiac wheel for all of us.  This remains true to some degree even if the sign appears in a different House in your astrology chart.  And if Pisces is your Rising Sign (1st House) or Midheaven (10th House) its energy becomes even more important to you.

What does it feel like?  Changeable.  Since Pisces is a Mutable Water Sign, it invites and embraces change, adaptability, and going with the flow.  It can be as elusive as steam and as formidable as an iceberg.  It carries a chameleon aspect that allows it to fit easily into various settings.  While generally fostering an easy-going temperament, this may change quickly as well, often degrading to shyness.  Piscean energy naturally brings compassion and sensitivity, often mixed with sacrifice and a lack of boundaries.  When out of balance, over-sensitivity, victimization, and melancholy pervade.  One of the greatest opportunities of this energy is heightened intuition.  Plus musical ability grows easily here.  Music, by the way, also serves as a catalyst for pulling you out of the lower energy expressions mentioned.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac.  As such its natural home, the 12th House, serves as a culminating point for all energies passing through it. If Pisces appears in this house in your personal chart, you will feel this more acutely.  With Venus and Mars now transiting, that means all the maturity you have gained through the activities ignited by these planetary energies on their latest trek around the zodiac now invites closures and culminations.  It’s time to tie up loose ends.

Suppose Venus when it last entered the sign of Aries (the 1st zodiac sign) provided the incentive to start you on a deeper exploration of who you really are. As Venus continued around the zodiac, she would ignite new explorations of that in each House along the way.  Now the zodiac cycle is nearly complete.  It’s time to assess what you know about yourself now that you didn’t at the beginning.  Do you see yourself through new eyes?  Have your values changed?  Or are there still some deeper issues waiting to bring even more clarity and resolution before Venus starts yet another cycle around the wheel?

Pisces energy tends to temper Mars energy.  Yet again, changeability alters form.  The fire planet can either create a healthful mist or cause the water to boil over, scalding everything in range.  Yet since water puts out fire, it remains likely that intense fire here will be short lived.  Mars’ often wild potency, redirected as it traverses this sign, serves rather to empower spiritual awareness.

Chiron represents our past—all of our past, the known and unknown.  It also brings out the inner child in each of us.  If that part of you remains wounded, that is what surfaces in this Piscean energy.  (Tissue, please…) Yet if the healing’s already accomplished, this energy spurs you to intensify your acts of service in whatever areas you can provide the most good.  And this kind of planetary support helps.

“Face your fears,” challenges Mars. “Take it to the next level.”

“I’d love to see you do it,” Venus gushes.  “I’ll help you stay balanced and focused on unconditional love.”

Yet Neptune emits the strongest energy in Pisces.  That brings a strong nebulous energy into play.  Just as Pisces brings changeability, so Neptune adds elements of the intangible.  While the 12th House rules the subconscious, Neptune longs to blend us with the superconscious.  In earthly terms, it’s kind of like inviting heaven and hell to share a room.  Or in astrological terms, live in the same House.  Which will prevail?  Here we find nightmares and daydreams, prisons and higher learning, institutions for the mentally or physically impaired and our places or fields of greatest service.  Above all, we find our own personal heaven or hell in facing the ever expanding truth of our connection with the divine or lack thereof—right here, right now.

Realize that Jupiter shares rulership with Neptune here, expanding experiences in whichever direction.  And since Jupiter is now quincunx these planets, there’s a notable push for some big adjustments, both collectively and personally.

I, for one, am grateful for this Piscean influence tempering the challenging aspects between the outer planets, like the Pluto-Uranus square and a taste of a Saturn-Neptune square that will occur late in the year.  The more compassion and intuitive awareness supporting the highest levels of service to humanity the better!

May we rise as master healers (Chiron) first of our own wounds and then the wounds of humanity and the Earth herself.  Inspire, illuminate, and refine (Neptune) along the way.  And don’t forget music, the universal language.

Join me?  “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect har-mo-ny…”


Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: Coffee Stock Photo by Surachai;