Archives for the month of: December, 2013

Square Dance Clip Art

Funny thing about cosmic rhythms, the planets dance in and out of positions and never once ask you if you’d like to join in.  Jupiter won’t sidle up hand outstretched, give you a wink and ask, “Ya want to dance, pretty lady?”  Nor will Venus skip on over, give you a confident smile and announce, “Lady’s choice, and I choose you!”  Oh, no.  You are here so that automatically puts you on the dance floor.  No invitations needed.

Sometimes we Tango in close conjunction, sometimes we do the Twist, side to side, forward and back for a while in direct and retrograde.  No matter, it’s all perfect exercise for our “soul body,” and like conventional exercise shows results over time.

Right now we’re Square Dancing.  That’s right, Square Dancing.  On December 28th another Grand Square formed in the cosmos.  Forming this head (lead) square is none other than—you guessed it—Pluto and Uranus, this time with Jupiter and Mars rushing in to complete the square.  These guys love action, you know.  While Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars will dance with each of us in turn, Pluto had a better idea this tip (dance).  He’s tripling up with the Sun and Mercury in his corner for starters.  Yup, a stellium in a square—and that’s just the beginning!

You see, this is an extra-long tip, lasting clear to January 25th.  It gets a bit sloppy at times, nearly breaking down the square.  But these pros know how to make a quick recovery, so the dance goes on…and on…and on.

Oh, and if you think you’ll just hang out and watch, think again.  These guys will whirl you in and out of this square so fast it will make your head spin.  Any time one of these planets touches a planet or key position in your personal chart, you’re no longer watching, believe me.

In fact when New Year’s Day arrives, things really get interesting.  We’ve all had a few days to get the feel of this, so what happens?  The Moon slides in to make Pluto’s corner a foursome (opposite Jupiter in the House of Transformation and Sex) and the caller takes the cue to turn up the emotional intensity with a little “Hot Pepper.” (That’s fast, baby, fast!)

Oh my stars, where are your feet?  Just as you’re ready to cry, you feel a solid hand on your back and another on your arm.  You’re not alone, and you never will be.  Tears turn to laughter, and you find you can do this; just keep your feet moving in time to the music and follow the cosmic lead.

With a wink, the Moon moves on after a day to join another configuration.  Yet you’re still dancing. 

By the 5th, the Sun is getting a little distracted and Venus just edged up to tap Mercury on the shoulder.  Oh yea, we’re in for some fun now.  The quad action is back in Pluto’s corner, this time with Venus adding her vibe.  And some vibe it is, too.  Since she’s in retrograde, she brings an energy of intensified introspection in all areas of partnership and money that will last the duration of this dance.

“Did you remember to pay when you came into the dance?” she whispers into Mercury’s ear. “You know you were talking to the Sun at the time.  You both were right at 6° Capricorn so had so much to talk about.  I thought you may have forgotten, that’s all.”

By the January 6th, Uranus is getting a little aggressive, sending vibes of opposition not only to Mars but the Universal 10th House cusp as well.  His mind seems to have strayed onto the subjects of work and reputation.  Mars has been feeling those vibes for even longer but really wants to deal with things his way.

Yet Uranus loves to shake things up.  Now might be the perfect time, he muses, letting his gaze drift from Mars to the other dancers.  Oh and here comes the Moon to join him in his corner for a day.  This could get pretty interesting, folks.  Blending the Moon’s feminine energy and emotionalism with Uranus’ unpredictable quest for freedom and change means we could swing into a Red Hot (Mars loves this!) followed by an Ice Cold (another call) and back again.  Don’t panic, just keep dancing.  (Wink!)  Besides a lovely Kite shows up just then, pointing right at Pluto’s corner.

“Easy now,” it says.  “Calm down and go with the flow.  Change is good.  Try changing partners.”

Mercury and Venus cozy up at 23° Capricorn the next day to discuss it.

“Might be fun, offers Mercury.

“But I like it here for now,” says Venus. “You go.”

Meanwhile, Pluto’s gotten a bit tense and restless at 11° Capricorn and squares the 10th House cusp as well.  Maybe it is time to switch things up again and create some new dance moves he muses.  As January 10th rolls around he nods to Uranus and tosses a fist full of currency into the middle of the square. Uranus, loving it, throws a handful of marbles in along with it. (Did I mention that Capricorn in the Universal chart rules the House of Career, Reputation, and Money?  Oh, yea…)

The dancers face this challenge and move onto the next, and the next throughout the month.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m wearing my comfy dance shoes.  This is no time to break in a new pair of heels.  Just remember: you, the caller, and the cosmic pros know what you’re doing.  You’ve been dancing together for a long, long time.  So don’t be afraid to twirl, dip, and dive with the best of them.  It’s the greatest dance on the planet and your participation helps make it a success.

Now don’t you feel special?

To like, share, or comment, hit the dialogue box next to the date.  Or contact me here. Yellow Rocks (hugs), everybody!  See you in a square. 


I’m no Chicken Little, but the next few weeks look pretty intense to me.  Don’t panic; I didn’t say the sky was falling.  Yet the “sky” lends some key indicators we are wise to heed, with Uranus heading the lineup.

On December 17th, this huge blue planet-of-the-unexpected shifted its focus from internal issues to external issues.  How might that look?  Well, remember that Uranus is a collective planet with global impact.  Therefore with Uranus in retrograde, governmental influences may focus more on internal planning and behind-the-scenes activity.  As Uranus goes direct, those plans and hidden actions are catalyzed into public view, involving and impacting other nations as well.

In numerology, the number 17 is the number of leaving a legacy behind.  That Uranus went direct on a 17 date indicates this period may well bring something impactful enough to do just that.  Plus it went direct at 17:39 (ET-ephemeris time).  The double 17 intensifies the likelihood of this happening. The 39 reduces to 12, which is a number of learning but also one that brings those involved to a point of choice—to be a victim, victimizer, or victor over either.  The 12 then reduces to 3, inviting creative solutions to whatever arises.  Remember also that the 17 reduces to 8 (1 + 7 = 8), which is the highest number of manifestation.  This alone speaks power.

Speaking of power, remember that Mars is still in the sign of Libra.  This personal power planet continues to impact all forms of relationships in a mighty way.  That goes for heads of State as well as husbands and wives or you and your BFF.  How Mars is aspected in the personal charts determines whether these flow easily or bring on the argument of the decade.  Mars, after all, is a fire planet and likes to heat things up—be it love or anger.  How we direct that heat is entirely up to us, however. (No, you don’t have to say something just because you’re mad.)

Looking ahead into the beginning of the New Year, I see things intensifying steadily.  Remember, awareness empowers you not to get caught up in it to your own detriment.  So don’t panic when I point out that a lot of this intensity is building in the House of Money, Values, and Self Worth.  Look what happened with the mega-jackpot lottery in the U.S.  And the U.S. Congress suddenly approved a budget agreement after 4 years.

Uranus, when triggered, explodes things into action for sudden changes so look for global monetary issues to shake up as well.  Uranus and Pluto are still very much connected, with Pluto part of the planetary lineup in this House.

As the calendar year prepares to turn over, stay with the truth of whatever is before you in any given moment.  Embrace the wonders that continue to arise for those willing to see.  And step into your own power to direct the actions that are called for whether on personal, community, or global levels.  Now is not the time to blame, but to live the fullness of you and be who you came here to be.

Many blessings!

The comment box hasn’t moved from its home next to the date, by the way, so feel free to use it or contact me through my website.  I’d love to hear from you.

Express Delivery Around the Earth,

In astrology, things slip by the awareness of humanity all the time.  Yet here’s one movement I don’t want you to miss.  Mars pulled into the sign of Libra December 7th for an extended visit.  This is kind of like a red-neck trucker rolling into his ballerina aunt’s driveway, laying on the horn and hollering out the window, “Hey, Auntie Jane, I’m back!  And this time I’m not leaving till next July.”

Mars is known as a power planet.  And this power is not collective, it’s personal.  So that means it fuels whatever it touches in your personal life with its attributes: aggression/assertiveness, action based on desire, constructive/destructive behavior, anger, and what some might call “executive authority.”  This is leadership my-way energy with no messing around.  Let’s get ‘er done now!  It’s a raw power energy that urges us to move first and ask questions later.  Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, by the way, especially if you’re feeling stuck.  Mars wants us to act on something, to become something, to move forward with our lives.

Now try parking that energy on Libra’s sofa.  Yes, the white foo-foo kind accessorized by a white Persian cat.   Libra loves beauty and nature, love, money, justice, and balance.  Did I say balance?   Oh, dear, you may have to spell that one out for this guest.  Mars has little or no use for balance (and even less for compromise).  It doesn’t much care what side of the scales tip as long as it’s moving.  Money is goodas long as it serves a very personal purpose.  And beauty?  Well, let’s just say the rose bush at the end of Auntie Jane’s driveway is now mulch.

Don’t get me wrong.  Mars energy is not bad.  It’s just…well, powerful.  And left undirected it can create all sorts of havoc.   But here’s the good thing:  it can be directed because it’s a conscious energy.  (Unlike it’s kissing cousin, Pluto.)  And since Libra rules relationships, look for that area of your life to be impacted the most.  (Have you noticed we haven’t had a break from that relationship theme in months?  Just saying.  But we still are in a 6 Universal Year, so it fits.)

Mars tends to add another unexpected twist to life.  Dissatisfaction.  It provides the drive to get or do something only to find that once attained, it feels unfulfilling.  The reason is simple.  We must learn that fulfillment, happiness, joy, and all the other good things we seek come from within, not without.  Once we learn that, Mars leans easily against the nearby tree, chewing on his toothpick, and smiles.  “Now what can I do for you to really make a difference?” he asks.

Note that when Mars rolled into Libra on December 7th, it was a 16/7 Universal Day.  The 16/7 energy can bring sudden and unexpected happenings.  Plus the double 7 intensifies that number’s attributes in all areas of intelligence, spirituality, and solitude.  Imagine Auntie Jane quietly practicing her dance postures to the music of Swan Lake and in rolls Mars.  Yup, it’s that kind of day.  Plus, since the 3-6-9 Emotional Triad is totally activated this month (12/3 calendar month, 6 Universal year, 9 Universal Month), all emotions intensify.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that in the middle of this extended stay (0ver 7 months), Mars goes retrograde from March 1st to May 20th next year?  That turns everything in play inward, triggering a form of life review.  Fun, fun!

So use this visit from Mars wisely.  Let it fuel rather than destroy.  Learn to appreciate and direct his energy and he may even wear a necktie to your next ballet. (wink!)

If you’d like to explore more about how these energies may impact you specifically, leave a comment by clicking the dialogue box next to the date.  Or contact me here.