Archives for posts with tag: Sun

As the world watches shifts and changes in global Back to School Sign Means Education and Classrooms by Stuart Miles; freedigitalphotos.netmilitary maneuvering, an equally sobering cosmic march began November 13th.   Venus started a lineup of four cosmic bodies conjuncting (meeting / crossing) Saturn in Scorpio(a sober planet in a sober sign) in a span of just under two weeks. In astrological terms that’s big, people, really big.  And important, so let’s take a look.

Saturn earned a reputation over the centuries of being “the great teacher.”  Yet this is not the teacher who brings light-hearted experiments to class or sprinkles jokes through the lessons.  Saturn denotes the serious instructor, determined to teach whether the students are willing or not.  The more resistance from the student, the greater the level of difficulty applied.  This can be quite sobering, to say the least. (Hey, I didn’t design the cosmos so send any complaints to the higher ups.)

But before we go any farther, let’s get clear on the difference between “sober” and “somber.” Sober is “characterized by reason, sanity, or self-control; showing mental and emotional balance,” according to Webster’s New World Dictionary.  Somber, on the other hand, is much more dark and gloomy, “mentally depressed or depressing; melancholy.”  See the difference? (Okay, both Scorpio and Saturn in their lowest expression can trigger this too, but let’s not go there now.)

Saturn brings a sobering energy to any planet with which it interacts.  When Venus conjuncted Saturn on the 13th, light-hearted characteristics of Venus virtually disappeared.  Pushed to the forefront were Venusian issues around balance, justice, money, and relationship dynamics.  The number 13/4 signifies a more stressful form of transformation, potentially resulting in foundational changes.

As the Sun meets Saturn on the 18th, it puts empowerment issues under the microscope.  The focus tightens in on responsibility and taking a serious look at what still inhibited us.  Some may feel compelled to move a project forward toward completion.  Yet for many it’s a low energy day with the Sun’s strength compromised by Saturn, a day for pondering rather than action. The number 18/9 signifies transformational completion and endings.  It also can bring stress. Therefore while some feel moved to advance something or tackle something they’d been resisting, others know it’s time to release dreams that no longer hold promise.

The Moon gives Saturn a quick pass on its way to join the Sun for the November 22nd New Moon.  This could bring up some serious emotions or an issue with your mother or father/authority figure.  The aspect is brief but could have a rippling effect in the flow of the month’s energy.  Should this happen, let those emotions flow into a positive new beginning around whatever comes up.  The number 22, the Master Number of Peace, looks for peaceful solutions with long-lasting results.  This is reinforced further by the New Moon arriving at 0° Sagittarius, a strong indicator of fresh, positive beginnings.

On the 26th, just before Pluto and Uranus reach another square at 12°, Mercury pays a brief visit to Saturn at 26°Scorpio.  You may find your thoughts and conversations around that day more serious than usual.  The number 26 carries multiple energies.  The 6 indicates love and nurturing that can support one-on-one communication indicated by the number 2.  And 26 reduces to 8 (2 + 6 = 8), itself a number with many layers.  In this context it could mean important conversations arise around money, or bringing an idea into reality.  Since both 26 and 8 can carry karmic energy, something or someone from the past may become a part of this conversation in some way.  The important thing is to allow this energy to bring up whatever is asking to be addressed now—rather than waiting for Pluto and Uranus to intervene in a more intense fashion.  Remember the number 12 can bring victimization energy, so guard against allowing that to take root or remain if it’s already present.

As always, look at your own astrology chart and birth numbers code to see which part of your life is impacted the most with each aspect.

To see another layer of how Saturn is playing into our world dynamics, look as my last blog post, Let’s Talk Astrometeorology (What’s up with the weather?).

And that’s it for now, folks.


Rayora Hartman

(Photo credit: “Back to School Sign Means Education and Classrooms” by Stuart Miles;

Ah, Venus. The planet of love, beauty, balance, justice, and money.  She’s one of the first Sun Stars by xedos4; freedigitalphotos.netplanets we look for in our astrology charts to find where her energy will support our daily lives.  After all, with a “character” like that, what’s not to love?  And now, since we entered her home sign of Libra on September 22nd, we’d expect her influence to be even stronger, right?

Rule number one in astrology: Don’t assume anything.

You see, while I practice Western astrology, I also keep an eye on Vedic astrology. Sometimes I find it reveals another layer I would otherwise miss.  Like now.

According to Vedic astrologer Carol Allen, Venus went “combust” September 17th and will remain so until December 4th.  (Carol’s great, by the way.  Check her out!)  This means Venus is circling close enough to the Sun that Venus’ rays are invisible at night.  This results in a weakening of her energy as it is blocked by the Sun’s body or rays.  Ironically this happens when Venus is at its closest position to Earth.

Now before you panic let me clarify something. Venus is still emitting her energy as she always does.  What’s changed is her position and energy emission to us.   And like I said, I’m not a Vedic astrologer (or astronomer, for that matter), but this fits so perfectly with the energy I’ve felt and see growing as we prepare to enter October.  (Being a Libran, I qualify as a true tester of Venusian energy, don’t ya know.)

In Vedic astrology, a “combust” planet is said to be angered by this weakening. Now, it’s pretty hard for me to see Venus as angry in any condition.  Yet I will say there is truth in the observation that there’s no one as miserable as an out of balance Libran!  But what I sense from this current astrological phenomenon is an overpowering of Sun energy in regard to Venus.  The Sun (ruler of Leo) shines rays of empowerment spurring action.  Venus likes things much more gentle, even lazy at times, especially if out of balance.  The Sun heats things up; Venus cools them down—unless we’re talking romance. (Wink!)

Why is this important?   A quick look at October shows an eclipse month with a lunar eclipse on the 8th and solar eclipse on the 23rd.  Plus Mercury goes retrograde the 4th through the 23rd.  And, for those who might have missed it, Pluto went direct September 22nd and will gain in strength and worldwide impact as we enter this next month.

What’s more, October is a 17/8 Universal Month. Since this is the number of lasting effects often leaving a legacy behind, look for something memorable to occur.  The number 8 also is the king of the money numbers so can bring monetary gains or losses.  Plus this number brings up repeating patterns so they can be seen and broken, both personally and on a planetary scale.  And it is a karmic number that can bring people back into your life with whom something is not finished.  (This can be good, so again, don’t panic.)

Remember, Venus likes balance and security, internally and externally, and that energy still resides during this time of Libra. Only it may not feel quite as strong and supportive as you’d expect.  So use those overpowering rays of the Sun to empower yourself to take that next step that may feel anything but Venusian.  Take a risk.  It may feel foreign or scary, but if it’s something that will change what’s been holding you back, now could be your time.  You may feel unusually energized right now and prone to extremes, depending on the aspects in your own chart, so use it wisely.  Venus is still there to calm the winds and restore balance if you overshoot.  Think of her as the faithful lover, there for you through thick and thin, no matter how she feels personally, just somewhat weakened.

I sense that balance may be what is tested most during this time. We think of Venus as giving balance.  In truth, it teaches us the need for balance. Just as a toddler only gains greater strength and stability in walking when the parent releases his/her hands, Venus weakening may do likewise.  She’s still there, yet allowing us to test our own strength.

Can you balance the extremes and walk the path of your true journey? Can you love when those around you are not lovely?  Can you see beauty in every soul, every daily occurrence no matter what appears on the surface?  Can you be just in the face of injustice?  Use your personal money issues of gain or loss as a barometer and messenger. These are the lessons of Venus.  As always, her position and aspects in your chart will tell where this will appear strongest for you personally during this time.

Till next time, blessings!

Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “Sun Stars” by xedos4;

Flame by Salvatore Vueno;

Man, the cosmos is on the move in July.  Five planets (plus the Moon, of course) change signs with busy little Mercury switching twice.  If I didn’t know better I’d think they were competing for prime cosmic real estate.

And right now Cancer and Leo are sizzling hot!  You know, the places every planet who is anybody wants to be.  All but Mars, that is; he’s checking out Scorpio.  (Always was too independent for his own good, that one…)  The Moon spent the last part of June in Cancer and Leo, by the way, so skips into Virgo at the first of July.

Oh, and don’t forget the retrogrades.  Mercury stations and goes direct over the first two days of the month (though it remains in shadow for a couple weeks), reducing retrograde energy to only three planets until the 22nd.  That’s when Uranus makes the “switch,” and we’re back to four.

Are you still with me, or are you getting as dizzy as I am?  (I hear ginger is good for motion sickness, by the way.)

Now back to the planets.  And remember that those with Cancer or Leo as their Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign are most apt to be affected.

Mercury returns to Cancer at 4:45 ET (ephemeral time) on the 13th.  Here the time adds extra strength to the transformative number 13.  Take a look; 4+4+5=13. And 13 reduces to 4, the number of stability and laying the groundwork to create a strong foundation.  So let your conversations be clear, structured, and strong in ways that matter that day.

Jupiter, now in Cancer, moves into Leo on the 16th.  This energy, depending on which house it activates in your chart, draws your attention back to yourself.  Leo is the sign of the Self, and Jupiter’s energy will intensify that.  Allow it to motivate you in positive ways to expand in truly courageous ways.  Just realize that this energy also can puff the ego, so guard against things motivated strictly from egoism.

Venus slips into Cancer the 18th.  This could add some emotion to your relationship issues.  Let love reign supreme. 

The Sun, now in Cancer, fires up Leo starting on the 22nd.  Since Leo is the Sun’s home sign, this intensifies Jupiter’s action in expanding self-awareness.  But until then, take advantage of this energy in Cancer to prioritize yourself and balance your place within the areas of home and family.

Mars finally leaves Libra on the 26th after an extended 7-month stay.  (As a Libran all I can say is “Yippee!”)  Look out, Scorpio, here he comes!  Look for powerful energy to activate anything hidden dealing with taboos, issues involving governments or other people’s money.  And as is characteristic of Scorpio, much of this may take place out of public view.  This energy will be intensified by the New Moon in Leo which becomes exact at 22:42 ET at 3° 52’.  Both numbers reduce to 10/1, the number of instant manifestation and new beginnings, fully aligned with New Moon energy.  (There’s also a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 12th, by the way.)

Then on the 31st Mercury rolls into Leo, again activating the Venus, Jupiter, Mercury trio.  These three can make beautiful music together when their energies blend.  But guard against being a big mouth or a know-it-all.  Speak your truth with clarity and compassion.

This only touches on the energies of the month.  We’ll revisit certain aspects more in depth as we go along.  Just realize that when a planet switches signs, the energy shifts for each of us.  What does that mean?  Put simply, you feel things differently as you relate one part of yourself to another.  Your focus shifts from one area of your life to another.   Realize that your experience varies, however, depending on your individual state.

Having this many planetary shifts in July falls directly in line with it numerically as a 14/5 Universal Month.  Five is the number of pivotal change (among other things), so expect sudden changes and be prepared to act quickly.  The 14 can draw added media involvement too by the way, so watch for opportunities to use this as a resource.  Heads up for this, though: feeling fragmented and/or unfocused, a lower expression of this energy.

And so we step into a new month.  Greet it with gratitude for all the possibilities it holds.  No planetary movement is to blame for what transpires in our individual lives or collectively.  Energies shift and change in and around us, yet it is our choice how we respond to them.  Use them wisely to propel your life in the direction you most desire.


Rayora Hartman


(Photo credit: “Flame” by Salvatore Vuono; freedigitalphotos,net)

Rocket with Dollar Sign, jscreationzs;

Let’s play for a minute. Picture an animated character, a fearless young boy. Can you see him? Now watch as he straps a mini-rocket to his backside. That’s not easy, you know; it’s awkward and heavy. Yet determination prevails. A grin breaks across the boy’s face as he reaches for a lighter. He’s ready—more than ready. It’s blast-off time for his next new adventure. And there, my friends, stands the character and power of the Aries New Moon Sunday, March 30th.

Our mischievous little boy in this case represents Mars, the ruling planet of fire sign Aires. That makes Aries the rocket. And the lighter? A-ha! Now that’s none other than the Sun, Moon, and Uranus joining forces in Aries for this New Moon event. Get the picture?

The important point to get here is that Mars energy continues its intensification as it continues to retrograde toward the 13° mark where it joins the Pluto-Uranus square exactly on April 22nd. This Aries New Moon activation, the peak point of the year for new beginnings, lights the fuse for what’s called a Grand Cardinal Cross. (More on that later.)

So how does this Sun/Moon/Uranus combo fire Mars when it’s clear across the sky (chart) in Libra? Let’s take a look.

The Sun represents the Self and personal will, but it also represents power and masculine energy, both personal and collective. It is forward looking, pointing toward the future. The Moon governs feelings—and ignites feelings. (Boy, does it ever!) It represents the feminine or mother energy and draws from our emotional background, where we are coming from. In perfect union, these two offer the balance of masculine and feminine energy. Yet if either one is out of balance or vying for dominance, the lower expressions manifest.

Now enter Uranus, the planet of the unexpected seeking freedom through truth. Uranus is fairly comfortable in Aires, actually, in spite of being square its home sign. It’s a big-action planet in an action driven sign. In perfect union, the Sun, Moon, and Uranus can make one heck of a power team, especially in Aries. And power is what this is all about. Tempering the dynamics are the Moon and Libra, Mars’ temporary home. The Moon prefers gentleness, as does Libra. Plus, Libra applies its strength toward balance, relationships, and money issues, offsetting Aries drive for personal power that focuses on letting people know who they are.

Now, do you see what I see? This planetary event holds the potential to fire us, personally and collectively, toward new heights. It invites out-of-the-box thinking and earth-shaking dynamics to propel us all forward. This energy, if used wisely, will act as a rocket booster for the planet and your life personally. Mind you, this is not a gentle energy. It’s a call to action.

The numbers add still more clarity. The Moon becomes “new” at 18:45° ET (Ephemeris Time). Reducing the numbers, 18 reduces to 9 (1+8=9), 45 reduces to 9 (4+5=9). Add it all together and a third 9 appears (1+8+4+5=18/9). Plus the Sun is at 9° Aries with Uranus at 12° (12/3). The Moon, which moves quickly, will trigger the 6° energy as well that day, totally activating the 3-6-9 Emotional Triad. This will tend to activate the Moon’s energy even more. Plus, Mars is at 22° Libra that day. This is theMaster Number of Peace in the sign of peace. This may temper Mars’ lower tendency toward war and temper Uranus standing at 12, the number of learning. At this number we are asked if we will again fall victim to old patterns or dare to break them now once and for all. Note also that the multiple 9s point toward both endings and humanitarianism.

As I said earlier, this is a call to action, individually and as a planetary people. The way we choose to use this energy will ripple for a long time. So be mindful, compassionate, and balanced in your own life as you step into this new phase of our collective “next.” Power on!

Would you like to leave me a comment? If so, look for that cute little icon next to the date, or message me through my website. It’s an honor to share the journey with you.


(Photo credit: “Rocket with Dollar Sign” by jscreationzs;

Connecting Hearts, digitalart; freedigitalphotos.netI’m amazed when I see numeric codes that shout messages to us.  This February 14th does just that with a triple activation of the number 14/5.  Now before you leap to any conclusions, let’s explore what’s been leading up to that date as well as what follows.  Take your seat on my magic carpet and let’s zip around the calendar and the cosmos for a bit, okay?

Backing up to early February Mercury eased up on Neptune close enough to comfortably shake hands.  Not quite close enough for a bear hug, mind you.  Just a hand shake—and a meeting of the minds (otherwise known as cosmic energy).  We often sense Neptune energy through our hopes and dreams.  It’s the planet of far-reaching ideas and wild dreams that wake us up at night.  To bring deeply spiritual ideas to the forefront is its highest ambition.  Yet when our energy does not create a match for that, its expression appears in other forms…like confusion.  Mix that with Mercury-style energy and some pretty wild things can show up.  That energy stayed in place for several days.  Mercury retrograded on February 6th at 3° Pisces, one degree away from Neptune. (By the way, did you hear Mercury chuckling as it retrograded at 3, the number of humor?)   This kept the confusion factor in play around this planetary transition.

Here’s how that looked for me.

As I scrambled to complete trip reservations prior to the retrograde, someone I needed to contact was out skiing.  (The nerve, right?) Then another person was included in the trip at the last minute but asked for 24-hrs. to “think about it.”  This rolled the process into the retrograde period, so what would have taken one or two phone calls took three or four times that plus numerous emails to correct misunderstandings, dragging over the next three days.  (Did I mention that Mercury retrograde slows.things.down?)  This energy slopped over into other areas of my life as well, like realizing I forgot to put the cinnamon in apples cooking on the stove, then nearly sprinkling in chili powder instead.  (Yowza!  That was close.)

With Mercury nearly out of Neptune’s orb for a while, I’m feeling much better now, thank you.  How about you?

And here comes Valentine’s Day (in the States), our favorite Love Holiday.  Actually, some love it, some hate it, and others couldn’t care less.  Be that as it may, it’s here again and bound to stir more than a little emotion in many people.  Yet this year I see something new added to the emotional mix.  Communication—big time.  Look at the date: February 14, 2014.  See the double 14?  Okay, now if you add all the digits together (2+1+4+2+0+1+4) it equals 14 as well.  Since in numerology we reduce everything to single digits, that reads as 14/5.  And any time a number repeats, it intensifies.

If you’ve been with me very long, you know this is the ancient number of the scribe which translates in today’s language as “the media number.”  It enhances all forms of communication, personal and non-personal.  It also can denote a person with many gifts and the inability to pick just one.  That energy may come into play when deciding on the perfect gift for your loved one, be it man/woman or your faithful dog (cat…horse…).

Yet the communication factor brings the greatest challenges right now with Mercury in retrograde.  And on February 12th Mercury slipped back into Aquarius where it impacts a more scientific rather than a spiritual energy.  That said, remember Mercury rules all forms of communication, plus electronics, mechanics, and travel.   So if that new I-pad you get from your honey on Valentine’s Day won’t work for some reason, take a deep breath.  The problem may clear up on its own after your actions/ reactions bring the “a-ha” moments intended.   Realize that an incident like this opens the door to handling communication in a better way than you may have in the past.  That’s a biggie!  Check and see if this is true, then acknowledge it if you (or your significant other) can note an improvement.  (Yeah, you!)  The number 5 can bring rocky moments, pivotal points that invite change.  Honor them when they arise.

As if all this isn’t enough, the Moon goes full on that date as well, this time in Leo.  Full Moon energy is known for its intensity.  (Sleep? What’s that?) This time it blends with the “me first” energy of this sign ruled by the Sun.  That creates an intense interplay between the feminine emotional energy of the Moon and the masculine power energy of the Sun.  This could give rise to a lot of emotion around issues involving self-worth, feeling overlooked, or demanding your own way.  See what comes up and face it squarely.  Don’t excuse yourself for poor behavior.  Take the opportunity to grow through it.

This strong Moon energy moves into Virgo the next day which shifts the energy to feeling more practical and helpful.  That assists with any ripples than may have drifted forward from the day before.

So Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody!  May your love for self and others be true, your communication clear, and your gifts expressed in unique and life-enhancing ways.  Live, laugh, love!

And if you love this post—or any other, for that matter—hit the dialogue icon next to the date to express yourself, or reach me here.  Ahhh…communication in this digital age.   Gotta love it!

(Photo credit: “Connecting Hearts,” digitalart;

Square Dance Clip Art

Funny thing about cosmic rhythms, the planets dance in and out of positions and never once ask you if you’d like to join in.  Jupiter won’t sidle up hand outstretched, give you a wink and ask, “Ya want to dance, pretty lady?”  Nor will Venus skip on over, give you a confident smile and announce, “Lady’s choice, and I choose you!”  Oh, no.  You are here so that automatically puts you on the dance floor.  No invitations needed.

Sometimes we Tango in close conjunction, sometimes we do the Twist, side to side, forward and back for a while in direct and retrograde.  No matter, it’s all perfect exercise for our “soul body,” and like conventional exercise shows results over time.

Right now we’re Square Dancing.  That’s right, Square Dancing.  On December 28th another Grand Square formed in the cosmos.  Forming this head (lead) square is none other than—you guessed it—Pluto and Uranus, this time with Jupiter and Mars rushing in to complete the square.  These guys love action, you know.  While Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars will dance with each of us in turn, Pluto had a better idea this tip (dance).  He’s tripling up with the Sun and Mercury in his corner for starters.  Yup, a stellium in a square—and that’s just the beginning!

You see, this is an extra-long tip, lasting clear to January 25th.  It gets a bit sloppy at times, nearly breaking down the square.  But these pros know how to make a quick recovery, so the dance goes on…and on…and on.

Oh, and if you think you’ll just hang out and watch, think again.  These guys will whirl you in and out of this square so fast it will make your head spin.  Any time one of these planets touches a planet or key position in your personal chart, you’re no longer watching, believe me.

In fact when New Year’s Day arrives, things really get interesting.  We’ve all had a few days to get the feel of this, so what happens?  The Moon slides in to make Pluto’s corner a foursome (opposite Jupiter in the House of Transformation and Sex) and the caller takes the cue to turn up the emotional intensity with a little “Hot Pepper.” (That’s fast, baby, fast!)

Oh my stars, where are your feet?  Just as you’re ready to cry, you feel a solid hand on your back and another on your arm.  You’re not alone, and you never will be.  Tears turn to laughter, and you find you can do this; just keep your feet moving in time to the music and follow the cosmic lead.

With a wink, the Moon moves on after a day to join another configuration.  Yet you’re still dancing. 

By the 5th, the Sun is getting a little distracted and Venus just edged up to tap Mercury on the shoulder.  Oh yea, we’re in for some fun now.  The quad action is back in Pluto’s corner, this time with Venus adding her vibe.  And some vibe it is, too.  Since she’s in retrograde, she brings an energy of intensified introspection in all areas of partnership and money that will last the duration of this dance.

“Did you remember to pay when you came into the dance?” she whispers into Mercury’s ear. “You know you were talking to the Sun at the time.  You both were right at 6° Capricorn so had so much to talk about.  I thought you may have forgotten, that’s all.”

By the January 6th, Uranus is getting a little aggressive, sending vibes of opposition not only to Mars but the Universal 10th House cusp as well.  His mind seems to have strayed onto the subjects of work and reputation.  Mars has been feeling those vibes for even longer but really wants to deal with things his way.

Yet Uranus loves to shake things up.  Now might be the perfect time, he muses, letting his gaze drift from Mars to the other dancers.  Oh and here comes the Moon to join him in his corner for a day.  This could get pretty interesting, folks.  Blending the Moon’s feminine energy and emotionalism with Uranus’ unpredictable quest for freedom and change means we could swing into a Red Hot (Mars loves this!) followed by an Ice Cold (another call) and back again.  Don’t panic, just keep dancing.  (Wink!)  Besides a lovely Kite shows up just then, pointing right at Pluto’s corner.

“Easy now,” it says.  “Calm down and go with the flow.  Change is good.  Try changing partners.”

Mercury and Venus cozy up at 23° Capricorn the next day to discuss it.

“Might be fun, offers Mercury.

“But I like it here for now,” says Venus. “You go.”

Meanwhile, Pluto’s gotten a bit tense and restless at 11° Capricorn and squares the 10th House cusp as well.  Maybe it is time to switch things up again and create some new dance moves he muses.  As January 10th rolls around he nods to Uranus and tosses a fist full of currency into the middle of the square. Uranus, loving it, throws a handful of marbles in along with it. (Did I mention that Capricorn in the Universal chart rules the House of Career, Reputation, and Money?  Oh, yea…)

The dancers face this challenge and move onto the next, and the next throughout the month.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m wearing my comfy dance shoes.  This is no time to break in a new pair of heels.  Just remember: you, the caller, and the cosmic pros know what you’re doing.  You’ve been dancing together for a long, long time.  So don’t be afraid to twirl, dip, and dive with the best of them.  It’s the greatest dance on the planet and your participation helps make it a success.

Now don’t you feel special?

To like, share, or comment, hit the dialogue box next to the date.  Or contact me here. Yellow Rocks (hugs), everybody!  See you in a square. 

Sagittarius Constellation Character Design, Zodiac Character Des by Boians Cho Joo Young;

I love Sagittarian energy, don’t you?  It’s so positive, fun loving, and expansive.  This is thanks in large degree to Sagittarius’ ruling planet Jupiter, by the way.  As the Sun slipped into this light-hearted sign November 22nd, it shot a kiss across the cosmos to Jupiter in a beautiful Trine.  And that’s only part of the story.  Read on, my friend, read on.

Let’s back up a bit first, though.  Did you feel a shift in the way you felt Thursday, November 21st?  Boy, I did!  So I checked the charts and discovered we were benefiting from an easy astrological pattern called a Kite.  (Yes, it really does look like a kite.)  This astrological configuration tends to bring a sense of ease and internal focus.  It only lasted a day because the Moon was involved, but I’m not complaining.  What a great set up for our collective move into the sign of Sagittarius the next day.

Part of the reason we often feel happier in Sagittarius is this: The Sun, which represents our Self, moves from the deep, explorative Scorpio energy in which we’ve been facing our deep inner truths for weeks, personally and collectively.  Moving into Sagittarius then is kind of like stepping out of a deep cave into the sunlight.   The cave was fascinating, revealing, maybe a touch scary at times, but now the Sun’s rays make us blink, stretch, and actually smile again.

Now back to Jupiter.  This wonder-working planet currently is serving us in the sign of Cancer, but he doesn’t live there.  Oh, no.  Sagittarius is his home sign and like many of us, he’s never happier than when he’s home.  So when he gets a direct message fired from there–this time through the Sun–he beams his energy right back in return.  (Ahhh…I’m still a sucker for a good love story.  Sniff, sniff.)  This beautiful, easy energy flow, called a Trine, allowed Jupiter’s attributes to impact us all in one way or another.  Under this influence we see opportunities and possibilities appear before us.  We may even feel lucky.  Our interest in religion and/or philosophy may increase.  Or now we know what form of higher education is right for us.  We have a deeper sense of understanding and a renewed sense of multiculturalism.  Yet our moral values may surface as well.  Plus with Jupiter at 20° in Cancer, the focus remains strongly on family and all relationships.  Twenty is the number of relationship transformation, fully supported by the divine.  How cool is that?!

The Sun beamed its rays to Uranus as well that day, so this extended Sagittarius’ positivity on a global scale.   Uranus now lies at 8° in Aries.  The number 8 symbolizes infinity and the highest level of manifestation.  The potential this presented is that of actually seeing breakthroughs manifest suddenly.  “Suddenly” is Uranus’ trademark energy as a true transformational planet.

Good energy continues into the 23th with another harmonious configuration, a Grand Trine, forming briefly.  This involves the Sun, Uranus, and the Moon so also is a one-day event since the Sun and Moon move so quickly.  This brings a mixture of feminine and masculine energy which, if used effectively, can fuel positive change on a personal or group level.  There is a lot of power in this configuration which mixes Aries and Leo with Uranus, Sun, and Moon, so use it wisely.  Realize that unexpected emotions may rise in yourself or others.  Let Sagittarius’ energy prevail through whatever comes up and remember to smile.

Good vibes continue into the 24th with the Sun and Moon’s Trine with Uranus remaining for one more day.  Enjoy it fully, for on Monday, the 25th, more tension appears.  A T-square between the Moon and Neptune looks to the Sun (Self) for answers.  This speaks of personal dreams and desires looking for opportunities to manifest.  Again the relationship number 2 appears with Neptune at 2°in Pisces.  Let your dreams be bathed with spiritual knowing to temper any egoic impulses that may arise.

The energy eases again on Tuesday and Wednesday, before bringing on a double T-square for Thursday and Friday.  Yikes! This falls on Thanksgiving for those in the U.S., so heads up everyone.  Awareness can make all the difference here.  Realize that these T-squares are not called “Achievement Triangles” for nothing.  Much truly can be achieved, but the potential for more than a little tension in the process looms strongly.   In its lower vibration, this can result in family arguments overheating Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday and mob brutality exploding at stores during “Black Friday” shopping.  The Sun at 3° urges laughter, fun, and creativity to help resolve any potential conflicts.  And the Moon at 9° says to conclude these things quickly, using every ounce of your compassion to bring about understanding and resolution.

Then bask in the lighter energies that come next Saturday, and applaud yourself for living the past week in greater awareness than ever before.  Yeah for you; you did it!

Your comments truly brighten my day, so I’d love to hear from you.  Just click the dialogue icon next to the date or contact me here.


(Photo credit: “Sagittarius Constellation Character Design, Zodiac Character Des” by Boians Cho Joo Young;



Neptune and our Moon, now there’s a Mutt and Jeff visual.  (I know, I know…Google it.) Neptune measures nearly three times the size of Earth and boasts 14 known moons of its own.  Yet when Neptune and our Moon align in some way, we feel it.  And sometimes we feel it more than others.  (After all a planet that can pull Uranus off its orbit is not stuffed with cotton candy.)

This Full Moon on November 17th may be one of those times.  Remember, Full Moons encourage conclusions and endings.  And 17/8 is the number of leaving a legacy behind.  Let’s take a deeper look.

Neptune’s last retrograde took it back to 2 degrees Pisces.  November 13th, it went direct.  That’s kind of like reversing an engine that been churning back through deep waters at a slow speed then suddenly stopping and thrusting it into full speed ahead.  Plus whenever a planet, especially an outer planet like Neptune, is in the first degrees of a sign, it’s felt with great intensity.  Any aspects at these times likewise will intensify.  That means collectively and personally.

My charts show that Neptune squares both the Sun and the Moon that day.  (Yes, the Sun wants in on this one.)  Since the Sun represents the Self, this could result in things like self-deception, betrayal by others, or an identity crisis.  We’ve all had those who-am-I-and-why-am-I-here moments, right?  The Moon governs our emotions, and in this aspect those may intensify.  You may find yourself in a strange mood or experiencing feelings new to you.  Neptune at 2 degrees tosses relationships and one-on-one communication into the mix.  Plus the Moon at 25/7 degrees in Taurus and the Sun at 25/7 degrees in Scorpio adds even more to the spirituality and deep emotions that may prevail and focus in home/family happenings. Confusion could muddy the waters even more, so allow for what is.  Step back, if necessary, and wait for clarity to reappear.  It will.

The good thing is, this is a short aspect.  You may feel the effects for a few hours or even a few days.  The Sun and Moon transit more quickly than any of our other cosmic friends, so while their aspects impact us, they are shorter in duration.  The degree of intensity you experience personally will be further impacted by Neptune’s position in your natal chart and any other aspects to it that may appear there.  And while Full Moons generally bring high energy, this one may feel the opposite.  So if you feel tired, rest.  There’s no shame in that, you know.

Remember, squares can feel intense or like something is blocking us, yet they team with opportunity.  In this aspect, your psyche opens to greater awareness.  Guard against analyzing whatever comes to you.  Simply allow and wait.  Later see how it fits in the total scheme of things.  Neptune’s position in your natal chart determines which part of your life this affects most.  Furthermore, other aspects in your chart may dominate for you personally.  We don’t feel these things equally or with the same dynamics.  That’s why knowing your own blueprint is so important.

Neptune entered Pisces February 3, 2012, and will remain in that sign until January 27, 2026.  This holds the potential for tremendous changes spurred by spirituality and psychic awareness.  Pisces is Neptune’s home sign so that alone intensifies its energy during these years.  This planet holds one main intent for us collectively: OnenessAnything that stands in the way of that being realized it dissolves.  Keep this in mind when you see belief, societal, or governmental structures that appeared solid go away.  Oh, yea, Neptune’s at work.

Here’s another twist.  Neptune is a “generational” planet.  Since it takes about 14 years to transit a sign (not counting retrograde delays), all those born in these time frames come in with a particular collective evolutionary focus.  So those born from early 2012 to early 2026 will feel this spiritual intensity and drive for unity and oneness their entire life.

As ever, I’d love to see your comments and questions.  Simply click the dialogue icon next to the date.  Or contact me here through my website.  Blessings!

Stars and Planets, Victor Habbick,

Sometimes choice is obvious.  Other times, not so much.  We are at one of those points right now of which many are totally unaware.  You, my friend, are one of the lucky ones.  Read on…

What is it I keep saying?  Come on, all together now, “Awareness is key!”  And with that, let me point you to our old friends, Pluto and Uranus.  Remember them?  How can we forget, right?

If I didn’t look at things from a higher perspective, I would equate them to relatives who come for a visit and don’t know when to leave; a week turns into a month, which turns into 6 months.  You get the idea.  And just as with our loving relatives, we know they mean well.  Yet this extended stay is creating a lot of tension.  Joey wants his room back; Mom is tired of extra mouths to feed; and Dad, tired of all the old stories, just wants some peace and quiet.

Yet unlike our relatives, we can’t just have a little chat with our planetary friends, help them carry their bags to the car and bid them a fond farewell.  It doesn’t work that way.  They have aligned their positions with intent and will not leave them until their purpose is accomplished–in 2015!  Of course, they’re not doing this job alone.   Oh, no.  Every few months they call in a helper of two.  The Sun is the latest to answer the call, aligning in a blaze of glory with these two in what is known as a T-Square or Achievement Triangle.

Wherever the Sun shows up, there’s a lot of power involved—as if Pluto and Uranus needed any help in that department.   Pluto is like a backhoe that digs relentlessly until the truth is revealed.  Uranus, on the other hand, leaves those tedious, long-term projects to Pluto.  He’d rather light the fuse on a ton of dynamite and let the dust and boulders fall where they may.

This T-Square formed September 26th and will stay active into October 8th , triggering a double 8 emphasis as 26 reduces to 8 (2 + 6 = 8).  Since 8 is the king of the money and manifestation numbers, anything impacted in this sphere could be up for review.  We are speaking of something on the global scale here because Uranus and Pluto are collective planets that affect us all as a group.   That’s their specialty.  Yet anywhere these planets align with elements in your own chart will trigger personal issues and events as well.

On September 26th, the Universal chart showed this T-Square formation with Uranus at 10°50’, Pluto at 9°00’, and the Sun at 3°2’.  Ten is the number of instant manifestation (That’s Uranus!) and here is supported by 5, the number of pivotal change, and 0, the symbol of divine protection.  Pluto’s 9 speaks to culminations and endings, again supported by the double zero of divine protection.  The Sun’s 3 lays the challenge—and promise—of creativity and communication to fuel a powerful force.  (In a natal chart, the Sun represents the Self.  In this context, however, it is more apt to reference global leadership.)

While the degrees of Uranus and Pluto don’t really change in this time span, the Sun will reach 15° on October 8th.  This number triggers, once again, the vibration we are all feeling in this 6 Universal Year.  Six is the number of nurturing, love, health/healing, and emotion.  So whatever transpires between September 26th and October 8th needs to be nurtured in love, compassion, and understanding of ourselves and others.  Oh, and get this.  Fifteen is the number of the divine alchemist, which allows mystical (unexplainable) elevation of our ways of being.

How will this happen?  Let’s look across the chart to Jupiter.  In this case, Jupiter holds the key.  Yes, this planet of joy, luck, and expansion holds the potential to make the difference and direct the outcome.  Note that Jupiter, on September 26th lays at 17°45’.  Seventeen is the number of leaving a legacy behind and reduces to 8, thus intensifying the 8 energy already mentioned.  Here the 17 is supported by 4 for structural support and manifestation and 5, that pivotal number of change and adventure.  Plus, by October 8th, Jupiter’s degree changes to 19.  With 19, there is always a goal along with the drive and planning to take it all the way.  It speaks of independence and self-sufficiency fueled by powerful creativity.  Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed, 19 reduces to 10/1, that powerful number of instant manifestation.

How events, both globally and on a personal level, transpire in this short window of time have yet to play out.  Yet with this awareness you are now empowered to meet whatever shows up before you.   Choose powerfully.  The outcome of times such as this can bring about some of the greatest achievements we will ever witness.  That is why, in sacred geometry, this configuration is known as the Achievement Triangle.  When its powerful energies are utilized rather than ignored or misused, wonderful shifts can occur.  Of course, the opposite holds true as well.  So which will it be this time, achievement or disaster?

If you’d like to continue more exploration with Numbers at Play, click here.


(Photo credit: Stars and Planets by Victor Habbick;